Dan Jorgensen, Denmark

  1. Complete a robust Energy Union
  2. Bring down energy prices for households and companies, produce more clean energy, upgrade grid infrastructure and develop a resilient, interconnected and secure energy system.
  3. Ensure that energy is a core pillar of industrial strategy  and focus on boosting renewables; energy efficiency, attracting investment in the energy transition and bolstering our energy security, while ensuring technological neutrality. Help address energy poverty and ensure a social just and competitive transition.
  4. Oversee and support the implementation of the existing legal framework for 2030. Upcoming reviews of legislation should be conducted in the simplest, fairest and most cost efficient way, providing support and in partnership and dialogue with industry, social partners and all stakeholders.  Follow up on the assessment of the National Energy and Climate Plans.
  5. Update and simplify the existing governance of the Energy Union working with the Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth?
  6. Contribute on the energy dimension of the Clean Industrial Deal to unlock all possible decarbonisation pathways for our industries. Put forward an Action Plan for Affordable Energy Prices to help bring down prices for households and business and support industries and companies through the transition.
  7. Propose an initiative to boost the roll out of renewable energy and energy storage. Work on demand flexibility and further implement the energy efficiency first principle.
  8. Propose an Electrification Action Plan to ensure that Europe’s industrial transition towards net zero is powered by an energy system with homegrown, clean electricity. This should be accompanied by a roadmap towards ending Russian energy imports and the full implementation of RepowerEU.
  9. Propose a dedicated clean energy investment for Europe, including a e-risking initiative to unlock private capital. This will be central to efforts to prioritize investment in clean energy infrastructure including grids, grids storage and transport infrastructure, cross-border energy infrastructure, energy efficiency measures, the digitalization of the energy system and the development of hydrogen network.
  10. Look at the legal framework on European Grids with the aim to help upgrade and expand grids to support rapid electrification, speed up permitting, while remunerating those citizens that take part in the energy transition by producing or storing renewable electricity.
  11. .Support the acceleration of the development and deployment of Small Modular Reactors in Europe during the 2030s, building on the European Industrial Alliance of Small Modular Reactors. Continue to ensure nuclear safety and safeguards, including diversified suppliers, safe waste management and new technologies.
  12. Make full use of joint procurement for fuels and further activate and extend the aggregate demand mechanism to go beyond gas and include hydrogen and possibly other commodities.
  13.  Advance energy system integration in order to improve locational price signals, removing barriers to flexibility, decarbonize heating and colling and increase energy efficiency.
  14. Make proposals to incentivize and increase the uptake of carbon capture utilization and storage which will play a major role in the transition towards a clean and competitive European economy.
  15. Create jointly with the Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth a framework to further scale down and phase out the use of fossil fuels subsidies as par of our work to reduce European dependencies.
  16. Contribute to the work to level the energy taxation playing field and the strategic use of taxation measures to incentivize the uptake of clean technologies
  17. As part of the review of the security of supply framework, work to adapt the current framework to the geopolitical context and the electrification of the EU’s energy system. Pay close attention to emerging risks such as climate change impacts, cyber-attacks and critical infrastructure.
  18. Leverage the potential of digital technologies with the adoption of a strategic roadmap for digitalization and AI in the energy sector.
  19. Develop a Citizens Energy Package to increase citizens’ participation in the energy transition and strengthen the social dimension of the Energy Union. Propose further measures to address energy poverty and contribute to the European Affordable Housing Plan.
  20. Strengthen Europe’s energy diplomacy notably building on EU led global initiatives on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Set out the global climate and energy vision for COP30 in Brazil and beyond.

The Commissioner works under the guidance of the Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition and the Directorate General for Energy.


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