Prosperity and Industrial Strategy

Stéphane Sejourné, Executive Vice-President

  1. Develop with the Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth the Clean Industrial Deal with a focus on decarbonization, clean technologies and incentivizing investment. Help build a growth-conducive regulatory framework, supporting industry in its efforts to innovate, scale up, manufacture products and provde services. Build on the Clean Transition Dialogues and work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure tageted solutions for each value chain.
  2. Work to boost investment, create lead markets for clean tech and put in place conditions for companies to grow and compete globally.
  3. Present an Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator Act to support European lead markets for the development, production and diffusion of clean tech in industry and speed up related plannnin, tendering and permitting processes, in particular for energy intensive sectors. Also lead on the implementation of the Net Zero Industry Act.
  4. Dev elop the future European Competitiveness Fund to ensure that we invest in the innovation and technologies that will shape our economy and drive our transitions.  Work with the Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition to ensure coherence between Staate Aid Policy and the European Competitiveness Fund.
  5. Lead the work on the set up of new Important Projects of Common European Interests (IPCEIS) for the most strategic sectors and technologies.
  6. Lead the work on risk-absorbing measures to maximize the impact of public resources and ensure continued implementation of the InvestEU programme in cooperation with the European Investment Bank and other implementation partners.
  7. Revise the Public Procurement Directive to help ensure security of supply for certain technologies, products and services , while simplifying the rules and reducing administrative burden. It should enable preference for European products in public procurement for certain strategic sectors and technologies.
  8. Develop a horizontal Single Market Strategy for a modernized and deeper Single Market that promotes the croos-border provision of services and cross-border movement of goods, including essential goods. Ensure the existing rules are fully implemented and speed up the removal of barriers.
  9. Work closely with Member States through the Single Market Enforcement Taskforce and seek to reinforce it. Consider the need for a Single Market Barriers Prevention Act to fill gaps in the existing ex ante instruments without re-opening existing directives.
  10. Focus on improving access to finance, simplifying the regulatory environment and promoting innovation for SMEs. Explore the feasibility of a dedicated SME passport to reduce administrative burden and costs.
  11. Lead the work to introduce a new category of small caps and assess whether existing regulation unjustifiably hinders their development.
  12. To reduce administrative burden, strengthen the Single Digital Gateway as a one-stop-shop for anyone who wants to work, study or do business in another EU country. Consider how to expand it with new information areas and procedures, for instance labelling, certification or permitting.
  13. Lead the work on critical raw materials. Set up a dedicated EU Critical Raw Materials Pltform, notably to support joint purchasing and manage strategic stockpiles, and to implement the Criticql Raw Matrials Act.
  14. Work with the Commissioner for Environment, Water Resiience and a Competitive Circular Economy to present the Circular Economy Act, helping to create market demand for secondary materials and a single market for waste, notably in relation to critical raw materials. 
  15. Also work with the Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Compeititive Circular Economy on a new Chemical Industry Package to implify REACH and provide clarity on "forever chemicals", or PFAS, working with sutainability, competitiveness, security and safet considerations in mind.
  16. Contribute to the European Biotech Act, leveraging the potential that biotechnologies can bring to our economy, and to the European Strategy on Life Sciences.
  17. Develop a steel and metals action plan.
  18. Following the evalutaion of the Standardisation Regulation, seek to spped up the developmdent of systemic standards for our resilience and twin transitions.
  19. Ensure our intellectual property policy continues to reward innovation and creativity and step up enforcement of the current rules.
  20. Work to enforce the Foreign Subsidies Regulation in coordination with other Members of College.


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