1. Aargauer Zeitung
  2. ABC Newspaper
  3. Aftenposten
  4. Agence France-Presse
  5. Akahata
  6. Al-Hayat
  7. Albuquerque Journal
  8. Allentown Morning Call
  9. American Banker
  10. Anatolia News Agencyµ
  11. ANSA
  12. Ara
  13. Argus Media
  14. Arizona Republic
  15. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
  16. Asahi Shimbun
  17. Associated Press
  18. Atlanta Journal Constitution
  19. Austin American-Statesman
  20. Australian Financial Review
  21. Badische Zeitung
  22. Baltimore Sun
  23. Baton Rouge Advocate
  24. Bend Bulletin
  25. Berliner Zeitung
  26. Birmingham News
  27. Bloomberg News
  28. Bond Buyer
  29. Boston Globe
  30. Boston Herald
  31. Breaking Defense
  32. Buffalo News
  33. Buzzfeed
  34. Calcutta Telegraph
  35. Calgary Herald
  36. Canadian Press
  37. Capital News Service
  38. Cedar Rapids Gazette
  39. Center for Public Integrity
  40. Central News Agency (Taiwan)
  41. Charleston Post and Courier
  42. Charlotte Observer
  43. Chattanooga Times Free Press
  44. Chemical Watch
  45. Chicago Sun-Times
  46. Chicago Tribune
  47. China Daily
  48. China Economic Daily
  49. China Legal Daily
  50. China News Service
  51. China People’s Daily
  52. China Review News Agency
  53. China Times
  54. China Youth Daily
  55. Chosun Ilbo
  56. Christian Science Monitor
  57. Cincinnati Enquirer
  58. Civil Beat
  59. Clarin
  60. Cleveland Plain Dealer
  61. CNET
  62. Columbus Dispatch
  63. Communications Daily
  64. Community Newspaper Holdings
  65. Connecticut Mirror
  66. Connecticut Post
  67. Corriere Della Sera
  68. CQ Roll Call
  69. Creators Syndicate
  70. Cronkite News Service
  71. Cumhuriyet
  72. Cyprus News Agency
  73. Dagens Nyheter
  74. Daily Beast
  75. Daily Caller
  76. Daily Deal
  77. Daily Dot
  78. Daily Mail (UK)
  79. Dallas Morning News
  80. Dayton Daily News
  81. De Volkskrant
  82. Defense Daily
  83. Delo Daily
  84. Denver Post
  85. Der Bund
  86. Der Tagesspiegel
  87. Des Moines Register
  88. Deseret Morning News
  89. Detroit Free Press
  90. Detroit News
  91. Die Presse
  92. Die Tageszeitung
  93. Die Welt
  94. Digital First Media
  95. Durango Herald
  96. Education Daily
  97. EFE News Services
  99. El Comercio
  100. El Diario de Hoy
  101. El Mundo
  102. El Nuevo Dia
  103. El Pais
  104. El Periodico
  105. El Tiempo
  106. El Universal
  107. Energy Daily
  108. Energy Guardian
  109. Erie Times-News
  110. Ethnos Greece
  111. Europolitics
  112. Fairbanks Daily News Miner
  113. Fairchild Publications
  114. FERN’s Ag Insider by Charles Abbott
  115. Financial Times
  116. Fiscal Times
  117. Folha de Sao Paulo
  118. Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
  119. Fort Worth Star Telegram
  120. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  121. Frankfurter Rundschau
  122. Fredericksburg Freelance-Star
  123. Gannett Washington Bureau
  124. Gatehouse Media
  125. Gazeta Wyborcza
  126. German Press Agency – DPA
  127. Global Investigations Review
  128. GlobalPost
  129. Globe and Mail
  130. Guangming Daily
  131. Guardian US
  132. Haaretz Daily
  133. Handelsblad
  134. Handelsblatt
  135. Hankook Ilbo
  136. Hankyoreh Daily
  137. Hartford Courant
  138. Hearst Newspapers
  139. Helsingin Sanomat
  140. Hindu (The)
  141. Hindustan Times
  142. Hokkaido Shimbun
  143. Honolulu Star Advertiser
  144. Houston Chronicle
  145. Howard University News Service
  146. Huffington Post
  147. Hurriyet
  148. ICIS News
  149. Il Corriere Della Sera
  150. Independent Journal Review
  151. India Press Trust
  152. Indo-Asian News Service
  153. Inside Climate News
  154. Inside Higher Ed
  155. The Intercept
  156. International New York Times
  157. International Trade Today
  159. Investor’s Business Daily
  160. Irish Independent
  161. Irish Times
  162. Istanbul Star
  163. Itar-Tass News Agency
  164. Jerusalem Post
  165. Jewish Telegraphic Agency
  166. Jiji Press
  167. Joongang Ilbo
  168. Journal Media Group
  169. Jyllands-Posten
  170. Kaiser Health News
  171. Kansas City Star
  172. Kipling News Service
  173. Kommersant
  174. Korea Daily
  175. Korea Dong-A Ilbo
  176. Korea Economic Daily
  177. Korea Times
  178. Kukmin Daily
  179. Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun
  180. Kurier
  181. Kuwait News Agency
  182. Kyodo News
  183. Kyunghyang Daily News
  184. L’Orient – Le Jour
  185. L’Unita
  186. La Jornada
  187. La Nacion
  188. La Opinion
  189. La Prensa Grafica of El Salvador
  190. La Razon
  191. La Vanguardia
  192. Lahore Daily Times
  193. Las Vegas Sun
  194. Le Figaro
  195. Le Mauricien
  196. Le Monde
  197. Le Parisien
  198. Liberty Times
  199. LocalNews Now
  200. London Daily Telegraph
  201. Los Angeles Times
  202. Louisville Courier Journal
  203. Lowell Sun
  204. LRP Publications
  205. Maeil Business Newspaper
  206. Maghreb Arab Press
  207. Magyar Szo
  208. Main Justice
  209. Mainichi Shimbun
  210. Malaya
  211. Market News International
  212. MarketWatch
  213. McClatchy Newspapers
  214. Medical Device Daily
  215. Medill News Service
  216. MedPage Today
  217. Merger Market Group
  218. Miami Herald
  219. Military Update
  221. Milliyet
  222. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
  223. Minneapolis Star Tribune
  224. MinnPost
  225. MLEX US
  226. Mobile Register
  227. Munwha Ilbo
  228. Nashua Telegraph
  229. National Journal
  230. National Post
  231. Neue Zuercher Zeitung
  232. New Haven Register
  233. New Orleans Times-Picayune
  234. New York Daily News
  235. New York Post
  236. New York Times
  237. Newsday
  238. Nikkei
  239. Nishi-Nippon Shimbun
  240. NJ Advance Media
  241. Notimex Mexican News Agency
  242. O Estado De S. Paulo
  243. Oil Daily
  244. Oklahoman
  245. Omaha World-Herald
  246. Orange County Register
  247. Oregonian
  248. Orlando Sentinel
  249. Ouest-France
  250. Ozy Media
  251. Palm Beach Post
  252. Philadelphia Inquirer
  253. Pioneer – India
  254. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  255. Political Money Line
  256. Politiken
  257. Portland Press Herald
  258. Pro Publica
  259. Providence Journal
  260. Raleigh News and Observer
  261. Real Clear Politics
  262. Record (Bergen County, NJ)
  263. Reforma Newspaper
  264. Religion News Service
  265. Rheinische Post
  266. Richmond Times-Dispatch
  267. Riverside Press-Enterprise
  268. Ryukyu Shimpo
  269. Rzeczpospolita
  270. S&P Global
  271. Sacramento Bee
  272. Salt Lake Tribune
  273. San Antonio Express-News
  274. San Francisco Chronicle
  275. San Jose Mercury News
  276. Sankei Shimbun
  277. Sarasota Herald Tribune
  278. Saudi Press Agency
  279. Science & Technology Daily
  280. Scrip
  281. Scripps Howard News Service
  282. Seattle Times
  283. Segye Times
  284. Sekai Nippo
  285. Seoul Shinmun Daily
  286. Singapore Straits Times
  287. Smartgrid Today
  288. Springfield Republican
  289. St. Louis Beacon
  290. St. Louis Post-Dispatch
  291. St. Paul Pioneer Press
  292. Stars and Stripes
  293. STAT news
  294. The State
  296. Stavanger Aftenblad
  297. Stuttgarter Zeitung
  298. Sueddeutsche Zeitung
  299. Sun-Sentinel
  300. Sunday Times of London
  301. Svenska Dagbladet
  302. Sydney Morning Herald
  303. Syracuse Post-Standard
  304. Tages Anzeiger
  305. Taipei Times
  306. Taiwan Central News Agency
  307. Tampa Bay Times
  308. Tampa Tribune
  309. Tech Law Journal
  310. Tel Aviv Globes
  311. Telam S.E.
  312. Terra
  313. The Texas Tribune
  314. Thisday Newspapers
  315. Thomson Reuters
  316. Times of India
  317. Times of Israel
  318. Times of London
  319. Tokyo Chunichi Shimbun
  320. Toronto Globe and Mail
  321. Toronto Star
  322. Tribune Content Agency/News Service
  323. Tulsa World
  324. Turkiye Daily
  325. The Undefeated
  326. United Daily News
  327. Universal UClick Syndicate
  328. USA Today
  329. Utility Markets Today
  330. Vermont Digger
  331. Vice News
  332. Virginian-Pilot
  333. Voterama in Congress
  334. Waco Tribune-Herald
  335. Wall Street Journal/ Dow Jones
  336. Warren Communications News
  337. Washington Examiner
  338. Washington Internet Daily
  339. Washington News Service
  340. Washington Post
  341. Washington Times
  342. Watertown Daily Times
  343. Wen Hui Daily
  344. Westdeutsche Allgemeine
  345. Winston-Salem Journal
  346. WolfNews
  347. World Business Press
  348. World Journal
  349. Xinhua News Agency
  350. Yahoo News
  351. Ynet-Yedioth
  352. Yomiuri Shimbun
  353. Yonhap News Agency
  354. York Daily Record

European Media

  1. Aargauer Zeitung
  2. Aftenposten
  3. Agence France-Presse
  4. ANSA
  5. Argus Media
  6. Badische Zeitung
  7. Berliner Zeitung
  8. Birmingham News
  9. Corriere Della Sera
  10. Cyprus News Agency
  11. Dagens Nyheter
  12. Daily Mail (UK)
  13. De Volkskrant
  14. Der Bund
  15. Der Tagesspiegel
  16. Die Presse
  17. Die Tageszeitung
  18. Die Welt
  19. EFE News Services
  20. El Mundo
  21. El Pais
  22. El Periodico
  23. El Tiempo
  24. Ethnos Greece
  25. Europolitics
  26. Financial Times
  27. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  28. Frankfurter Rundschau
  29. Gazeta Wyborcza
  30. German Press Agency – DPA
  31. Guardian US
  32. Handelsblad
  33. Handelsblatt
  34. Helsingin Sanomat
  35. Il Corriere Della Sera
  36. Irish Independent
  37. Irish Times
  38. Itar-Tass News Agency
  39. Jyllands-Posten
  40. Kommersant
  41. Kurier
  42. L’Unita
  43. La Opinion
  44. La Razon
  45. La Vanguardia
  46. Le Figaro
  47. Le Mauricien
  48. Le Monde
  49. Le Parisien
  50. London Daily Telegraph
  51. Magyar Szo
  52. Neue Zuercher Zeitung
  53. Ouest-France
  54. Politiken
  55. Rheinische Post
  56. Rzeczpospolita
  57. Stavanger Aftenblad
  58. Stuttgarter Zeitung
  59. Sueddeutsche Zeitung
  60. Sunday Times of London
  61. Svenska Dagbladet
  62. Tages Anzeiger
  63. Times of London

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