Public Policy Advocates are able to exploit the opportunity structure offered by the EU political system and thus participate in the policy making process by offering their expertise on both the procedures and the content of policy and by establishing contacts with decision makers.
Public Policy Advocates are not just intermediaries but they may help the clients they represent to become reliable partners for the European institutions in the long term. Public Policy Advocates help their clients in elaborating sophisticated strategies in order to lobby the EU institutions. Contacts with officials and other practitioners create a strong and privileged relationship. Some characteristics are needed for being effective at the EU level: sufficient financial resources, a good staff, good advance intelligence of intended policy change, strong contacts with officials and politicians, and an ability to provide sound technical advice. Moreover, it is essential to have a reputation for being reliable.
Public Policy Advocates offer a vast range of services. Activities may include legal advice, economic and management consulting, lobbying, monitoring proposed legislation, drafting position papers and reports, creating public awareness, running associations, framing a public policy advocacy campaign, organising conferences and meetings, managing associations, searching for public funding, implementing public policies etc.
The majority of Public Policy Advocates offers similar services. These services show a high understanding of the EU political process and a high degree of political sophistication e.g.
1. Strategic counselling
The Public Policy Advocate advises on the EU decision-making process, including procedures and policy priorities to ensure that clients are well-equipped to respond to specific initiatives or have the contacts and understanding to deal with any future policy developments. He/she provides an evaluation of the public policy advocacy activities of the client and strategic advice for improving efficacy and effectiveness.
2. Policy analysis
The Public Policy Advocate analyses the content and the details of legislative developments. He/she identifies the significant components of policies, the priorities, the motivation behind them, the direction they are likely to take and their long-term impact on the clients. The Public Policy Advocate provides an analysis of the public and private actors involved in each policy.
3. Monitoring and information gathering
The Public Policy Advocate provides intelligence on key issues, including Commission and member states initiatives and parliamentary debates. This service includes earlywarning and regular monitoring alerting clients about any major issue or development that may affect their specific business interests.
4. Direct representation and lobbying
This service provides access to key decision-makers and other stakeholders through the elaboration of a sophisticated strategy and creative solutions. This might also include the establishment of coalitions, securing third party endorsement and acting as the interface in the preparation and follow-up of high profile meetings. The Public Policy Advocate drafts position papers and other documents to present to the decision-makers.
5. Message diffusion
This service aims to improve the internal and external communication skills of the client. The Public Policy Advocate takes care of profiling and positioning clients in the market and in the political arena and assists in organising round table, seminars, briefings, press conferences and other events that form part of a broader public policy advocacy campaign. He/she collaborates with the department of public relations to reach all relevant actors, including non-governmental associations and the media, that are involved in the policy.
The complex character of the EU policy-making, characterised by multi-level political arenas and sectoral policies, will increase the demands for actors with specific resources: a practical knowledge of the informal rules, the competencies to move with ease within a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment, the capability to work in a flexible organisational context and technical expertise, that is the good most wanted by the Commission.
Public Policy Advocates participate in the lobbying process with the other policy actors. They help their clients devise and implement an efficient campaign. Strategies are usually personalized on the demands of each client. Public Policy Advocates may offer the following services to clients :
- Use of a multiplicity of political channels.
- Elaboration of a sophisticated public policy advocacy strategy.
- Awareness of the relationship between public relations and public policy advocacy.
- High degree of participation in the forum politics. The goal is to establish a long term relationship with the European institutions.
A Public Policy Advocacy affairs campaign is based on three fundamental elements: give information and good arguments, try to influence the policy, and create credibility and good reputation in building relations with EUofficials. The Public Policy Advocate gives strategic advice to clients on how to present its position in an efficient way and whom to contact within the bureaucratic structure of the European Union. In many cases the Public Policy Advocate reformulates the client’s proposal because he/she is aware of what can be obtained within a political arena where many actors try to influence the decision-making process.
Public Policy Advocates can help clients in establishing contacts with EU officials because they have a precise knowledge of the legislative procedure and because they share with the EU officials a common European approach and a knowledge of the informal rules of the game.
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