Anti-corporate activists hold that the influence of big corporations is a detriment to the public good and to the democratic process. It should be recognized, however, that the EU legislates in many ways that restrict the actions of corporations and lawbreaking companies are usually punished in the form of monetary fines. In addition, from the perspective of business ethics, the point should be made that corporations are not, inherently more evil than any other groups and are no more likely to attempt unethical or illegal activity than other interest representatives.

52% of EU citizens think that the overall influence of companies in society is positive, while 41% think that it is negative. Influence of companies is positive for 85% of citizens in Denmark, 83% in Finland, 74% in the Netherlands, 72% in Sweden, 70% in Estonia and Luxembourg, 67% in Austria and Ireland, 65% in Portugal, 61% in Cyprus, 60% in Latvia, 59% in Malta, 58% in Poland, 56% in Belgium, 54% in Germany and the United Kingdom, 52% in Lithuania and Spain, 50% in France, Slovakia, Romania, 49% in Bulgaria, 43% in Czech Republic, 42% in Hungary, 37% in Greece, 36% in Italy and Slovenia.

The main positive effects of companies on society include: creating jobs, contribution to economic growth, providing training to employees, developing innovative products and services, paying taxes, providing financial or material support to local people, providing return to investors.

MEPs taking a stand against the ‘excessive influence of banks and multinational corporations lobbies in the EU in order to help European institutions which 1) are free from conflicts of interest; 2) do not offer privileged access to decision-making to corporations and their lobbyists; 3) have strong ethics rules for politicians, officials and lobbyists; 4) are open and transparent in the way they work; 5) always operate in the public interest

include the following:

Austria (13)

  1. Freund, Eugen (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs)
  2. Kadenbach, Karin (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs)
  3. Köstinger, Elisabeth (Österreichische Volkspartei)
  4. Leichtfried, Jörg (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs)
  5. Lunacek, Ulrike (Die Grünen- Die Grüne Alternative)
  6. Mayer, Georg (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs)
  7. Obermayr, Franz (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs)
  8. Regner, Evelyn (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs)
  9. Reimon, Michel (Die Grünen-Die Grüne Alternative)
  10. Schmidt, Claudia (Österreichische Volkspartei)
  11. Vana, Monika (Die Grünen- Die Grüne Alternative)
  12. Vilimsky, Harald (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs)
  13. Weidenholzer, Josef (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs

Belgium (6)

  1. Annemans, Gerolf (Vlaams-Belang)
  2. Belet, Ivo (Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams)
  3. Lamberts, Philippe (Ecolo)
  4. Staes, Bart (Groen)
  5. Stevens, Helga (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie)
  6. Van Brempt, Kathleen (Socialistische Partij Anders)

Croatia (3)

  1. Borzan, Biljana (Socijalddemokratska partija Hrvatske)
  2. Jozo Radoš (Hrvatska nardona stranka)
  3. Škrlec, Davor (Održivi razvoj Hrvatske

Czech Republic (1)

  1. Poc, Pavel (Česká strana sociálně demokratická)

Denmark (3)

  1. Auken, Margrete (Socialistisk Folkeparti)
  2. Kari, Rina Ronja (Folkebevægelsen mod EU
  3. Schaldemose, Christel (Socialdemokratiet)

Estonia (1)

  1. Lauristin, Marju (Sotsiaaldemokraatik Erakond)

Finland (5)

  1. Hautala, Heidi (Vihreä liitto)
  2. Jaakonsaari, Liisa (Suomen Sosiallidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska)
  3. Jäätteenmäki, Anneli (Suomen Keskusta)
  4. Kumpula-Natri, Miapetra ((Suomen Sosiallidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska)
  5. Pietikäinen, Sirpa (Kansallinen Kokoomus)

France (17)

  1. Andrieu, Eric (Parti Socialiste)
  2. Bové, José (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  3. Delli, Karima (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  4. Denanot, Jean Paul (Parti Socialiste)
  5. Durant, Pascal (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  6. Grossetête, Françoise (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire)
  7. Guillaume, Sylvie (Parti Socialiste)
  8. Jadot, Yannick (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  9. Joly, Eva (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  10. Le Grip, Constance (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire)
  11. Omarjee, Younous (Alliance des Outre-Mers)
  12. Pargneaux, Gilles (Parti Socialiste)
  13. Ponga, Maurice (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire)
  14. Revault d’Allonnes-Bonnefoy, Christine (Parti Socialiste)
  15. Rivasi, Michèle (Europe Ecologie les Verts)
  16. Rozière, Virginie (Parti radical de gauche))
  17. Thomas, Isabelle (Parti Socialiste)

Germany (42)

  1. Albrecht Jan Philipp (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  2. Buchner, Klaus (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei)
  3. Bullmann, Udo (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands)
  4. Bütikofer, Reinhard (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  5. Cramer, Michael (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  6. De Masi, Fabio (Die Linke)
  7. Ernst, Cornelia (Die Linke)
  8. Gebhardt, Evelyne (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands)
  9. Geier, Jens (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  10. Giegold, Sven (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  11. Groote, Matthias (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands)
  12. Händel, Thomas (Die Linke)
  13. Harms, Rebecca (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  14. Häusling, Martin (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  15. Heubuch, Maria (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  16. Keller, Ska (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  17. Köster, Dietmar (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  18. Krehl, Constanze (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands
  19. Lambsdorff, Alexander (Freie Demokratische Partei)
  20. Leinen, Jo (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  21. Lochbihler, Barbara (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  22. Lösing, Sabine (Die Linke)
  23. Meissner, Gesine (Freie Demokratische Partei)
  24. Melior, Susanne (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  25. Michels, Martina (Die Linke)
  26. Müller, Ulrike (Freie Wähler)
  27. Noichl, Maria (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  28. Quishhoudt-Rowohl, Godelieve (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands)
  29. Reda, Julia (Piratenpartei)
  30. Reintke, Terry (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  31. Rodust, Ulrike (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands)
  32. Scholz, Helmut (Die Linke)
  33. Schulze, Sven (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands)
  34. Schuster, Joachim (Sozialdemokratsiche Partei Deutschlands)
  35. Simon, Peter (Sozialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands)
  36. Sippel, Birgit (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  37. Trebesius, Ulrike (Alternative für Deutschland)
  38. Trüpel, Helga (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  39. von Storch, Beatrix (Alternative für Deutschland)
  40. von Weizsäcker, Jakob (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  41. Werber, Martina (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
  42. Zimmer, Gabi (Die Linke)

Hungary (1)

  1. Jávor, Benedek (Párbeszéd Magyarországért

Ireland (6)

  1. Boylan, Lynn (Sinn Fein)
  2. Carthy, Matt (Sinn Fein)
  3. Childers, Nessa (Independent)
  4. Flanagan, Luke (Independent)
  5. Harkin, Marian (Independent Harkin)
  6. Ni Riada, Liadh (Sinn Fein)

Italy (9)

  1. Beghin, Tiziana (Movimento Cinque Stelle)
  2. Borrelli, David (Movimento Cinque Stelle)
  3. Briano, Renata (Partito Democratico)
  4. Castaldo, Fabio Massimo (Movimento Cinque Stelle)
  5. Cofferati, Sergio (Partito Democratico)
  6. D’Amato, Rosa (Movimento Cinque Stelle)
  7. Gualtieri, Roberto (Partito Democratico)
  8. Schlein, Elena Ethel (Partito Democratico)
  9. Viotti, Daniele (Partito Democratico)

Lithuania (1)

  1. Guoga, Antanas (Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis)

Luxembourg (2)

  1. Goerens, Charles (Demokratesch Partei)
  2. Turmes, Claude (Déi Gréng-Les Verts)

Malta (3)

  1. Casa, David (Partit Nazzjonalista)
  2. Dalli, Miriam (Partit Laburista)
  3. Mizzi, Marlene (Partit Laburista)

Netherlands (17)

  1. de Jong, Dennis (Socialistische Partij)
  2. Eickhout, Bas (Groenlinks)
  3. Hazelkamp, Anja (Partij voor de Dieren)
  4. Jongerius, Agnes (Partij van de Arbeid)
  5. Mineur, Anne-Marie (Socialistische Partij)
  6. Piri, Kati (Partij van de Arbeid)
  7. Sargentini, Judith (Groenlinks)

Poland (3)

  1. Huebner, Danuta (Paltforma Obywatelska)
  2. Jazlowiecka , Danuta (Platforma Obywatelska)
  3. Kudrycka, Barbara (Platforma Obywatelska)

Portugal (3)

  1. Gomes, Ana (Partido Socialista)
  2. Marinho e Pinto, Antonio (Partido da Terra)
  3. Matias, Marisa (Bloco de Esquerda)

Romania (7)

  1. Bostinaru, Victor (Partidul Social Democrat)
  2. Macovei, Monica Luisa (Partidul Democrat)Liberal)
  3. Marinescu, Marian-Jan (Partidul Democrat-Liberal)
  4. Pascu, Ioan Mircea (Partidul Social Democrat)
  5. Preda, Cristian Dan (Partidul Mișcarea Populară)
  6. Stolojan, Theodor Dumitru (Partidul Democrat-Liberal)
  7. Weber, Renate (Partidul National Liberal)

Slovenia (1)

  1. Fajon, Tanja (Socialni demokrati)

Spain (13)

  1. Albiol Guzman, Marina (Izquierda Unida)
  2. Ayala Sender, Inès (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol)
  3. Garcia Pérez, Iratxe ((Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol)
  4. Gardiazabal Rubial, Eider (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol)
  5. Guerrero Salom, Enrique (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol)
  6. Lopez Aguilar, Juan Ferbnando (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol)
  7. Lopez Fernadez, Javi (Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya)
  8. Lopez, Paloma (Izquierda Unida)
  9. Meyer, Willy (Izquierda Unida)
  10. Sebastia Talavera, Jordi (Coalicio Compromis)
  11. Terricabras, Josep-Maria (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya)
  12. Urtasun, Ernest (Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds)
  13. Vallina, Angela (Izquierda Unida)

Sweden (7)

  1. Andersson, Max (Miljöpartiet de gröna)
  2. Björk, Malin (Vänsterpartiet)
  3. Ceballos, Bodil (Miljöpartiet de gröna)
  4. Eriksson, Peter (Miljöpartiet de gröna)
  5. Hedh, Anna (Socialdemokraterna)
  6. Post, Soraya (Feministiskt Initiativ)
  7. Ulvskog, Marita (Socialdemokraterna)

United Kingdom (20)

  1. Anderson, Martina (Sinn Féin)
  2. Anderson, Lucy (Labour Party)
  3. Bearder, Catherine (Liberal Democrats Party)
  4. Corbett, Richard (Labour Party)
  5. Dance, Seb (Labour Party)
  6. Dodds, Anneliese (Labour Party)
  7. Evans, Jill (Plaid Cymru-Party of Wales)
  8. Farage, Nigel (United Kingdom Independence Party)
  9. Howitt, Richard (Labour Party)
  10. Kirton-Darling, Judith (Labour Party)
  11. Lambert, Jean (Green Party)
  12. Martin, David (Labour Party)
  13. McAvan, Linda (Labour Party)
  14. Moraes, Claude (Labour Party)
  15. Scott Cato, Molly (Green Party)
  16. Smith, Alyn (Scottish National Party)
  17. Stihler, Catherine (Labour Party)
  18. Taylor, Keith (Green Party)
  19. Ward, Julie (Labour Party)
  20. Willmott, Glenis (Labour Party)


  1. Germany: 42 MEPs out of 96
  2. United Kingdom: 20 MEPs out of 73
  3. France: 17 MEPs out of 74
  4. Netherlands: 17 MEPs out of 26
  5. Austria: 13 MEPs out of 18
  6. Spain: 13 MEPs out of 54
  7. Italy: 9 MEPs out of 73
  8. Romania: 7 MEPs out of 32
  9. Sweden: 7 MEPs out of 20
  10. Belgium: 6 MEPs out of 21
  11. Ireland: 6 MEPs out of 11
  12. Finland: 5 MEPs out of 13
  13. Croatia: 3 MEPs out of 11
  14. Denmark: 3 MEPs out of 13
  15. Malta : 3 MEPs out of 6
  16. Poland : 3 MEPs out of 51
  17. Portugal : 3 MEPs out of 21
  18. Luxembourg : 2 MEPs out of 6
  19. Czech Republic: 1 MEP out of 21
  20. Estonia: 1 MEP out of 6
  21. Hungary: 1 MEP out of 21
  22. Lithuania : 1 MEP out of 11
  23. Slovenia: 1 MEP out of 8


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