Integrity cannot be legislated. There will always be people who follow the rules right to the letter, there are always those who will actively look at how to skirt or bend that same rules or look at the rules as a hindrance.

Integrity is a badge of honour one wears, visible from the outside and from within one's conscience is alive and active. To give real service, you must add something that cannot be bought or measured with money and that is sincerity and integrity. To start with, everyone has inherent integrity. This however gets compromised through circumstances, extraneous pressure or plain greed. The consequence of such compromise is corruption. It is vital therefore to develop strategies to curb corruption.

The vast majority of today's Public Policy Advocates exhibit strong ethical characteristics. The trouble with integrity though is that it often seems abstract. Like art we know it when we see it. But we are not sure how to turn the abstraction into concrete reality.

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