The following National Trade Associations are listed in the Transparency Register. Only those holding 1 European Parliament Pass are indicated here below. It is difficult to assess the lobbying activities of these associations. Admittedly if you have only 1 individual who can enter the premises of the European Parliament, effective lobbying may be limited. Some associations may well have registered in the Transparency Register only to gain legitimacy and may not do much lobbying at the EU level. Others may have established a Brussels presence. Still others may work with consultants and/or association management companies.  

A great deal of legislation is initiated in Brussels and much of it is highly relevant to members of national trade associations. No national trade association can afford to ignore European legislation or international agreements, but their interest is really in how these are translated in to local regulations. Subsidiarity allows Member States to interpret directives from Brussels in to their own statutory instruments, leading to diversity of requirements. Equally, states and even regions within federal structures can introduce their own legislation. Advising local officials, influencing their technical advisers and taking part in national consultations are important and regular tasks for national associations. Companies that are not engaged via national trade bodies find that their products may no longer match local requirements or will need expensive development to do so.

National associations can, and do, contain companies of all sizes, including those SMEs whose views and interests are of considerable interest to local authorities. Thus, national trade bodies offer market solidarity and a range of stakeholder participation rarely evident in Brussels‐based organisations. Trade organisations that are close to Member State governments can influence both national and European legislation. In addition, they offer an unrivalled opportunity for better understanding of local market conditions and sector issues.

National Trade Associations Holding only 1 European Parliament Pass

  1. Aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties (Netherlands)
  2. Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalisazzione delle imprese italiane (Belgium)
  3. AGORIA- Belgian federation for the technology (Belgium)
  4. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Tierzüchter e.V. (Germany)
  5. Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen (Germany)
  6. Asociacion Espanola de Mayoristas, Transformadores, Importadores y Exportadores de Productos de la Pesca y la Acuicultura (Spain)
  7. Asociacion Espanola de Mediacion (Spain)
  8. Asociacion espanola para la proteccion de la plantas (Spain)
  9. Asociacion Multisectorial de la Informacion (Spain)
  10. Asociatia pentru Promovarea Alimentului Romanesc (Romania)
  11. Assobioplastiche (Italy)
  12. Association des Distributeurs d’Electricité en France (France)
  13. Association nationale interprofessionnelle du bétail et des viandes (France)
  14. Association of British Insurers (UK)
  15. Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers (Hungary)
  16. Association of Train Operating Companies (UK)
  17. Associazione Industrie Risiere Italiane (Italy)
  18. Associazione Italiana Societa Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori (Italy)
  19. Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili (Italy)
  20. Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici (Italy)
  21. Associazione Nazionale Imprese Trasporti Automobilistici (Italy)
  22. Associazione Piscicoltori Italiani (Italy)
  23. Associazione sindacale nazionale dei datori di lavoro dei collaboratori familiari (Italy)
  24. BAFI- Belgian AirFreight Institute (Belgium)
  25. Belgian Entertainment Association (Belgium)
  26. BPI (British Recorded Music Industry) Ltd. (UK)
  27. Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (Brazil)
  28. Bundesverband der Deutschen Fluggesellschaften (Germany)
  29. Bundesverband der Deutschen Spirituosen-Industrie und-Importeure e.V. (Germany)
  30. Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (Germany)
  31. Bundesverband der Zigarrenindustrie (Germany)
  32. Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V. (Germany)
  33. Bundesverband für Inkasso und Forderungsmanagement e.V. (Germany)
  34. Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V. (Germany)
  35. Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. (Germany)
  36. Bundesverband Sachwerte und Investmentvermögen- Real Asset Investment Association (Belgium)
  37. Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie e.V. (Germany)
  38. BVI- Bundesverband Investment and Asset Management e.V. (Germany)
  39. Center for Responsible Enterprise and Trade (USA)
  40. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (UK)
  41. Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros Tecnicos en Informatica de Andalucia (Spain)
  42. Confédération Générale des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (France)
  43. Confederation of Danish Employers (Denmark)
  44. Confederation of Passenger Transport (UK)
  45. Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Sweden)
  46. Confimprenditori (Italy)
  47. Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (Italy)
  48. Danish Bankers Association (Denmark)
  49. Danish District Heating Association/Dansk Fjernvarme (Denmark)
  50. Danmarks Rederiforening (Denmark)
  51. Délégation des Barreaux de France (Belgium)
  52. Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaften (Germany)
  53. Deutscher Notarverein (Germany)
  54. Energy UK (UK)
  55. Fédération Nationale des Groupements de Défense Sanitaire (France)
  56. Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers (France)
  57. Federazione Sindacale Industria Metalmeccanica Italiana (Italy)
  58. Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana (Italy)
  59. Fedustria (Belgium)
  60. Finance & Leasing Association (UK)
  61. Finnish Energy Industries- Energiateollisuus rv (Finland)
  62. Freight Transport Association (UK)
  63. Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie (Germany)
  64. Ibec (Ireland)
  65. IEEE Inc. (USA)
  66. IFPI Greece (Greece)
  67. IFPI Sverige (Sweden)
  68. Irish Co-operative Organisations Society Ltd. (Ireland)
  69. Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario (Canada)
  70. ITRI Ltd. (UK)
  71. Jernkontoret (Sweden)
  72. Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (Germany)
  73. Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation (Ireland)
  74. Le Cercle de l’Industrie (France)
  75. Lega Pesca (Italy)
  76. Magyar Hangfelvétel-kiadok Szövetsége Közös jogkezelo Egyesület (Hungary)
  77. Musiikkituottajat- IFPI Finland ry (Finland)
  78. Independen Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (Turkey)
  79. Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken/Dutch Banking Association (Netherlands)
  80. NVPI (Netherlands)
  81. Österreichs E-Wirtschaft (Austria)
  82. Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (Netherlands)
  83. Permanent Representation of the Turkish Textile and Clothing Exporters Association (Belgium)
  84. Polish Confederation Lewiatan (Poland)
  85. Spitzenverband Fachärzte Deutschlands e.V. (Germany)
  86. TechAmerica Europe (Belgium)
  87. Transport en Logistiek Nederland (Netherlands)
  88. Transportindustriförbundet (Sweden)
  89. Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (Cyprus)
  90. TUSIAD (Turkey)
  91. Union de Empresas Siderurgicas (Spain)
  92. Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie (France)
  93. Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires (France)
  94. Union Espanola de Entidades Aseguradoras Y Reaseguradoras (Spain)
  95. UNITAB (France)
  96. Uniunea Nationala a Notarilor Publici din România (Romania)
  97. vbw- Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V (Germany)
  98. Verband Beratender Ingenieure (Germany
  99. Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations-und Mehrwertdiensten (Germany)
  100. Verband der deustchen Lack-und Druckfarbenindustrie e.V. (Germany)
  101. Verband der Kali-und Salzindustrie e.V. (Germany)
  102. Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. (Germany)
  103. Verband deustcher Pfandbriefbanken e.V. (Germany)
  104. Verband Deutscher Reeder (Germany)
  105. Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (Germany)
  106. Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. (Germany)
  107. Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V. (Germany)
  108. Women Entrepreneurship Association of Turkey (Turkey)
  109. Zentralverband Gartenbau e.V. (Germany)

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