Parliament will vote on a proposal determining the numerical composition of each committee and sub-committee on 2nd July 2014. It will then adopt another proposal appointing their corresponding members on 3rd July 2014.

The constituent meetings of the standing and sub committees will take place on 7 July 2014 in order to elect their respective bureau made up of a Chair and up to 4 Vice-Chairs for a two and a half year mandate

Members of the European Parliament are divided up among 20 specialised standing committees that instruct legislative proposals through the adoption of reports, propose amendments to plenary and appoint a negotiation team to conduct negotiations with the Council on EU legislation. They also adopt own-initiative reports, organise hearings with experts and scrutinise the other EU bodies and institutions. A committee consists of between 24 and 76 full members and an equivalent number of substitutes. Parliament can also set up sub-committees and special committees to deal with specific issues, and committees of inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions or maladministration of EU law. The work of the parliamentary committees is supported by a number of expertise and research sources, including the Policy Departments covering all areas of activity of the European Parliament, the Economic Governance Support Unit and the European Parliamentary Research Service.

The policy departments are responsible for providing expertise and policy advice to support the activities of various parliamentary bodies, most notably the committees. Based on analyses carried out either in-house or externally, policy departments provide independent, specialised, objective, high-quality and up-to-date information in all areas of Parliament’s activities. Policy departments deliver policy analysis in a wide variety of formats, most frequently in response to a request from a Parliament committee or delegation. This written output serves a variety of purposes by feeding directly into the legislative work of a specific committee or serving as a briefing for delegations of members.

Political groups in the European Parliament have agreed to the following distribution of Committee Chairmanships as follows: The European Peoples'Party will chair 8 Committees, S& D 7 Committees, ECR 2 Committees, ALDE 2 Committees, Greens 1 Committee, GUE/NGL 1 Committee and EFDD 1 Committee.

European People's Party:

  1. AFET (Foreign Affairs) 71 MEPs
  2. AGRI (Agriculture and Rural Development) 45 MEPs
  3. ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) 69 MEPs
  4. ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) 67 MEPs
  5. JURI (Legal Affairs) 25 MEPs
  6. PECH (Fisheries) 25 MEPs
  7. AFCO (Constitutional Affairs) 25 MEPs
  8. CONT (Budgetary Control) 30 MEPs


  1. CULT (Culture and Education) 31 MEPs
  2. DEVE (Development) 28 MEPs
  3. ECON (Economic and Monetary Affairs) 61 MEPs
  4. INTA (International Trade) 41 MEPs
  5. LIBE (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) 60 MEPs
  6. FEMM (Women's Rights and Gender Equality) 35 MEPs
  7. DROI (Human Rights) 30 MEPs


  1. IMCO (Internal Market and Consumer Protection) 40 MEPs
  2. SEDE (Security & Defence) 30 MEPs


  1. BUDG (Budgets) 41 MEPs
  2. REGI (Regional Development) 43 MEPs


  1. TRAN (Transport and Tourism) 49 MEPs


  1. EMPL (Employment and Social Affairs) 55 MEPs


  1. PETI (Petitions) 35 MEPs



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