The Country Brand Index (CBI) provides a global study of country brands. It measures and ranks global perceptions around the world's nations from their culture, to their industries, to their economic vitality and public policy initiatives. The basic elements of a country's brand strength are its Value System (political freedom, environmental friendliness, stable legal environment, tolerance, freedom of speech); Quality of Life (education system, healthcare system, standard of living, safety, job opportunity, most like to live in); Good for Business (investment climate, advanced technology, regulatory environment, skilled workforce); Heritage and Culture (history, arts and culture, authenticity, natural beauty); Tourism (value for money, attractions, resorts and lodging options, food).
Herebelow is the ranking of EU member states out of 118 countries in 2012
- Sweden 4
- Germany 7
- Finland 9
- United Kingdom 11
- Denmark 12
- France 13
- Italy 15
- Austria 17
- Netherlands 18
- Spain 19
- Ireland 21
- Belgium 31
- Portugal 32
- Malta 38
- Greece 39
- Croatia 41
- Czech Republic 44
- Cyprus 47
- Estonia 56
- Slovenia 63
- Hungary 65
- Slovakia 73
- Poland 75
- Bulgaria 79
- Romania 100
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