1. GR Practitioners should comply with any relevant Lobbying Rules. Where any conflict exists between a Code of Ethics and Lobbying Rules, GR Practitioners must abide by the Lobbying Rules.
  2. GR Practitioners should comply with any legislation, government resolution or rule relating to donations to political parties and any other matter.
  3. GR Practitioners should conduct themselves in accordance with the rules of their Parliament or any other institution of government while within their precinct, including rules relating to any access pass that might hav been issued to them. 
  4. GR Practitioners should when making a representation to a public office holder, disclose the identity of the person or organization on whose behalf the representation is made, as well as the reasons for the approach.
  5. GR Practitioners should provide information that is accurate and factual to public office holders. Moreover, lobbyists should not knowingly mislead anyone and should use proper care to avoid doing inadvertently.
  6. GR Practitioners should indicate to their client or employer or organization their obligations under existing lobbying regulation as well as their adherence to a lobbyist's code of conduct.
  7. GR Practitioners should not divulge confidential information unless their have obtained the informed consent of their client, employer or organization, or disclosure is required by law.
  8. GR Practitioners should not use any confidential or other insider information obtained in the course of their lobbying activities to the disadvantage of their client, employer or organization.
  9. GR Practitioners should not represent conflicting or competing interests without the informed consent of those whose interests are involved.
  10. Consultant GR Practitioners should advise public office holders that they have informed their clients of any actual, potential or apparent conflict of interest, and obtained the informed consent of each client concerned before proceeding or continuing with the undertaking.
  11. GR Practitioners should abide by the rules for obtaining, distribution and release of parliamentary and governmental documents.
  12. GR Practitioners should not obtain information from Government Representatives by improper and unlawful means.
  13. GR Practitioners should not cause a Government Representative to breach any law, regulation or rule applicable to them.
  14. GR Practitioners should not place public office holders in a conflict of interest by proposing or undertaking any action that would constitute an improper influence on a public office holder. 

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