1. Focus on where the EU can indeed add value and stay away from matters better dealt with at national level (more Europe where needed, such as for external borders management, to further develop the Single Market and to govern the Eurozone and less where it does not add value);

2. Define and implement a really coherent global strategy with a strong economic pillar and an ambitious trade policy to open up market access for goods, services and resources as well as modern and effective trade defence instruments;

3. Step up the implementation of pro-competitiveness policies both at the EU and the national level and ensure that words are converted into real actions;

4. Safeguard the Schengen area, bring real European answers to the refugee crisis and protect external borders, to tackle illegal immigration which is essential to answer citizens’ security concerns and improve their confidence in the EU.;

5. Improve governance of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

6. Create more and better opportunities for all citizens, by not increasing taxes and levies which will undermine growth and job creation.  

7. Deliver the new single market strategy, including better application of mutual recognition in goods, enabling the reduction of administrative barriers through the European services certificate and streamlining the effectiveness of existing single market tools through creation of the single digital gateway;

8. Reverse the decline of manufacturing industry, facilitating innovation and digitalisation of the economy, notably by implementing the innovation principle and putting in place a coordinated policy framework to strengthen European industry without further delays;

9. Improving the future of young people through concrete measures to support Member States in their efforts to develop apprenticeship, improve education and training, remove regulatory and cost obstacles to their recruitment and encourage young entrepreneurship.

10. Extend the European Fund for Strategic Investment, provided that lessons are drawn from the first year of application, in particular concerning the need to improve additionality, facilitate cross-border projects and support countries experiencing difficulties in mobilising this instrument. In parallel, EU and national efforts to remove regulatory obstacles to investment and to improve the overall business environment in Europe must be stepped up in order to allow for more investment.

11. Urge the Member States to do their utmost to ensure a rapid signature and implementation of the CETA agreement with Canada and to make all the efforts possible to conclude an ambitious and comprehensive TTIP with the United States.


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