AALEP Chair (Mr. Christian D. de Fouloy) has been invited by the European Commission to serve as Expert on the occasion of an event organized within the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission (TAIEX) in cooperation with the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice/Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative and RACVIAC-Centre for Security Cooperation that will take place in Podgorica, Montenegro on 05-06 June 2013.
The subject of this event is 'Prevention of Corruption: Implementation of Integrity Plans'. The aim of the workshop is to get together- practitioners from specialized anti-corruption authorties and other relevant institutions in order to share best practices and discussions on the common issue of concern: implementation of integrity plans. Representatives of 10 countries are scheduled to speak: Albania, Belgium/EU, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.
The programme consists of four panels:
Panel I: Survey of the EU Anti-corruption policy: Developments and achievements
Panel II: Integrity plans and measures in the public sector: Legal frameworks in EU and SEE
Panel III: Practical effects: Building capacity of public administration by implementing the integrity plans; Lessons learned and Challenges
Panel IV: Legal frameworks of lobbying and raising the level of integrity of the institutions.
As part of Panel IV AALEP Chair will address the topic "Ways of Implementing Clean Lobbying Practices"
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