According to Jacques Attali (Jacques Attali is a French economist, writer and senior civil servant. Former adviser to President François Mitterrand and first president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bank), the coming year is shaping up to be a bad year. There is no evidence that the global economic slowdown will not continue under the blows of deflation, competition and innovations.

Therefore, Attali writes

  1. Economic and financial imbalances will continue to be exacerbated,
  2. Public and private debt will keep increasing,
  3. Inequalities and youth unemployment will keep growing,
  4. No slowdown in greenhouse gas emissions,
  5. Probability that far beyond the current overall trends, there will be financial bubble explosions,
  6. Europe is exposed to all the world’s challenges, and there no indication that its own special and fundamental problems will be resolved or even addressed in 2015,
  7. The Eurozone governance will remain tenuous, vulnerable to the slightest crisis in Greece, Italy or France and a major eurozone crisis is indeed possible.

 At the end of the year 2015, the world, Europe and France, being exhausted will experience a great deal of tension that will probably become more and more violent

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