The Reputation Institute has published a study that provides the ranking of 50 countries in terms of reputation. Over 27 000 consumers from G8 countries provided over 34 000 rating based on their own perception of 50 nations. Factors such as Advanced Economy (Produces high quality products and services; has many known brands; important contributor to global culture; technology advanced, well-educated and reliable workforce; values education) Appealing Environment (Beautiful country; enjoyable country; offers an appealing lifestyle; people friendly and welcoming) and  Effective Government (Offers a favourable environment for doing business, run by an effective government; has adopted progressive social and economic policies; responsible participant in the global community; is a safe place; operates efficiently) were considered. Here below is the 2013 Ranking and score based on 100.

  1. Canada 76.6
  2. Sweden 76.5
  3. Switzerland 76.3
  4. Australia 76.1
  5. Norway 74.1
  6. Denmark 73.3
  7. New Zealand 72.5
  8. Finland 71.8
  9. Netherlands 70.6
  10. Austria 70.6
  11. Germany 68.3
  12. Ireland 67.6
  13. Belgium 67.1
  14. Japan 66.2
  15. UK 65.1
  16. Italy 63.9
  17. France 63.4
  18. Spain 62.0
  19. Portugal 61.6
  20. Singapore 58.3
  21. Brazil 57.8
  22. USA 57.4
  23. Peru 54.9
  24. Thailand 54.3
  25. Poland 53.2
  26. Taiwan 52.7
  27. Puerto Rico 51.5
  28. Chile 51.0
  29. India 50.7
  30. Argentina 50.2
  31. UAE 49.3
  32. Greece 47.4
  33. Turkey 47.2
  34. South Korea 47.2
  35. Mexico 47.0
  36. South Africa 46.8
  37. Isreal 46.1
  38. Haiti 45.8
  39. Venezuela 45.5
  40. Egypt 43.9
  41. Bolivia 43.7
  42. Ukrainne 43.3
  43. Saudi Arabia 40.1
  44. China 37.8
  45. Colombia 37.8
  46. Russia 36.7
  47. Nigeria 34.0
  48. Pakistan 28.8
  49. Iran 22.6
  50. Iraq 21.2

Ranking for EU Member States (15 EU member states out of 50 countries)

  1. Sweden
  2. Denmark
  3. Finland
  4. Netherlands
  5. Austria
  6. Germany
  7. Ireland
  8. Belgium
  9. UK
  10. Italy
  11. France
  12. Spain
  13. Portugal
  14. Poland
  15. Greece





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