1. Manipulation of elections and state institutions in order to preserve political power
  2. Centralization and obfuscation of executive power
  3. Establishment of legal, institutional and economic framework to stifle independent media
  4. Curbing the authority and independence of the judiciary
  5. Attacking decisions of judiciary
  6. Organizing show trials
  7. Maintainance of dominant one-party system with weak liberal-democratic opposition
  8. Slandering liberal-democratic opposition
  9. Extending state control over behavior of citizens on paternalistic grounds
  10. Use of powerful internal-security force for political purposes
  11. Use of mass propaganda to support political policies
  12. Use of state-run media as propaganda tool
  13. Use of direct democracy as source of legitimacy
  14. Use mass mobilization as show of force
  15. Appealing to petty motives of the electorate in order to gain support
  16. Attacking and obstructing the operations of non-governmental organizations
  17. Operating government-organized non-government organization (GONGO)
  18. Rejecting multiculturalism; opposing immigration
  19. Building border barriers
  20. Patronizing racist and xenophobic journalists
  21. Advocating policies similar to those of the radical-nationalist opposition
  22. Tolerating manifestations of radical-nationalist xenophobia and racism
  23. Utilizing irredentist sentiment to consolidate popular support
  24. Attempting to deflect blame for the Holocaust away from the Hungarian state
  25. Opposing opening communist-era domestic-intelligence files to the public
  26. Restricting the liberty of the homeless
  27. Refusing to explicitly or implicitly endorse homosexuality
  28. Conducting Statist Economic Policy
  29. Curbing the independence of the central bank
  30. Operating large-scale, semi-compulsory public work program
  31. Promoting sports to strengthen legitimacy
  32. Consolidating power through patron-client relations with business oligarchs
  33. Enabling high-ranking officials to use public position to achieve personal benefit
  34. Strengthening relations with Russia and other authoritarian régimes
  35. Maintaining antagonistic relations with the European Union

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