Founded in 1991, the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is an international, non-violent, and democratic membership organisation based in The Hague, Netherlands. Its members are indigenous people, minorities, and unrecognised or occupied territories who have joined together to protect and promote their human and cultural rights, to preserve their environments, and to find non-violent solutions to conflicts which affect them.

Although the aspirations of UNPO Members differ greatly, they are all united by one shared condition- they are not adequately represented at major international fora such as the United Nations. As a consequence, their opportunity to participate on the international stage is significantly limited, as is their ability to access and draw upon the support of global bodies mandated to defend their rights, protect their environments, and mitigate the effects of conflicts.

In today's world where over 90 percent of conflicts are intra-state, UNPO has been established to fill this gap, providing an international forum through which its Members can become effective participants and contributors to the international community. In an increasignly interdependent world it is ever more important that those who continue to be denied their rights or remain excluded be given an opportunity to present their case. UNPO works therefore to address the consequences of marginalisation, working with its Members to promote their democratic causes, to provide information, and to articulate creative and non-violent strategies for progress, above all however, UNPO works to ensure their voices are heard.

UNPO's membership has grown steadily from its original fifteen founders, representing now more than 40 Members worldwide. Although the work of UNPO adapts continually to meet the challenges of its Members and the nature of the international political climate, each Member remains committed to respecting the five principles enshrined in the UNPO Covenant: non-violence, human rights, democracy and self-determination, environmental protection, and tolerance. UNPO remains committed to offering an increasing number of nations and peoples an entry point into the international community, enabling its Members also to learn from one another; lending their support where there are setbacks and sharing their experiences in success.


  1. Abkhazia: A largely Unrecognized State, Population 240,000. Represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhasia.
  2. Aceh: Occupied Territory, Population 4.25 Million. Represented by the Aceh-Sumatra National Liberation Front.
  3. Afrikaner: Population 3 Million out of 49 Million inhabitants in South Africa + 1/2 Million diaspora. Represented by Freedom Front Plus.
  4. Ahwazi: Indigenous Arab people within the province of Al-Ahwaz (officially known as Khuzestan) are a national ethic, linguistic and cultural minority. Population Al-Ahwaz 5.7 Million of which approximately 4 Million are Arabs. There are about 2 million Ahwazi Arab war (Iran-Iraq) refugees in other provinces. Represented by the Democratic Solidarity Party of Al-Ahwaz
  5. Amazigh: Often referred to as Berbers, they are descendants of the pre-Arab people in North Africa. The Amazigh population amounts to around 30 to 40 million people who are spread out Morocco (where around 14 Million Amazigh reside), Algeria (where around 9 million Amazigh live), Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Niger and Mauritania. Across Europe, there are also large Amazigh migrant communities. Their common identity is defined through their languages, ethnicity and their shared history. Represented by the World Amazigh Congress.
  6. Assyria: Unrecognised Indigenous Group. The total Assyrian population, including the Diaspora is estimated at 3.3 Million. Represented by the Assyrian Universal Alliance.
  7. Balochistan: The population is estimated at 7.9 Million. Represented by the Balochistan National Party.
  8. Barotseland: Barotseland is part of Southern Africa. Currently, the Barotse territory falls within Zambian borders and roughly coincides with the delimitations of the Western Province of Zambia. Mongu is the capiatl of Barotseland.
  9. Batwa: Population between 28 000 and 33 000 within Rwanda. Represented by the Community of Indigenous Peoples of Rwanda.
  10. Chin: Population + or - 1.5 Million. Represented by the Chin National Front.
  11. Chittagong Hill Tracts: Indigenous peoples, Population around 800,000. Represented by the United People's Party of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (JSS).
  12. Circassia: Population 709 003 spread across three Republics within the Russian Federation: Adygea, where Circassians constitute 25.2 % of the population; Kabardino-Balkaria, where they number 519 958 or 52.5% of the population and Karachay-Cherkessia, where they constitute 11.2% of the population. Diaspora: Over 3 Million Cricassians live outside the Russian Federation: over 2 Million in Turkey, 150 000 in Syria, Jordan and Israel, 40 000 in Germany and the Netherlands and 9000 in the U.S. Represented by the International Circassian Association.
  13. Cordillera: Population 1.1 Million. Represented by the Cordillera Peoples' Alliance.
  14. Crimean Tatars: Population: Crimea 2.5 Million. Crimean Tatars: 300 0000. Represented by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.
  15. Degar-Montagnards: Indigenous Group. Population between 1 and 2 Million. Represented by Montagnard Foundation Inc.
  16. East Turkestan: Autonomous Region. Population 19 250 000. Represented by World Uyghur Congress.
  17. Gilgit Baltistan: Unrepresented nation, Population 1.8 Million. Represented by the Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance.
  18. Haratin: Largest minority in Mauritania and the most economically and politically marginalised. Represent 40% of the population half of which are in de facto slavery. Represented by Initiative de Résurgence du Mouvement Abolitionniste en Mauritanie (IRA)
  19. Hmong: Minority, Population 320 000. Represented by Hmong ChaoFa Federated State.
  20. Inner Mongolia: Population 4 Million (total population including Chinese 24 Million). Represented by Inner Mongolian People's Party.
  21. Iranian Kurdistan: Region of north western Iran. Population 8-10 Million, estimated to be 11-15% of the population of Iran. Represented by the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran.
  22. Iraqi Kurdistan: Population 4 Million. Represented by the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patritic Union of Kurdistan.
  23. Iraqi Turkmen: Population around 3 Million. Represented by Dr. Muzaffer Arslan.
  24. Khmer Krom: Unrecognised indigenous group. Population: 8 240 000. Represented by the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation.
  25. Kosova: Population 1 804 838. Represented by the Democratic League of Kosova
  26. Lezghin: Ethnic group lacking a legal status. Population: About 1 500 000 in total with 474 000 living in the Russian Federation and 650 000-800 000 living in Azerbaijan and up to 1 Million Lezghins living in diasporas all over the world. Represented by the Federal Lezgian National and Cultural Autonomy.
  27. Mapuche: Indigenous Group. Population: 1 508 722 in Chile, 205 009 in Argentina. Represented by the Mapuche Inter-Regional Council.
  28. Nagalim: Occupied territory, Population 3 Million. Represented by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland.
  29. Ogaden: Population 4 439 147. Represented by the Ogaden National Liberation Front.
  30. Ogoni: The Ogoni are a distinct ethic nationality within the Federal Republic of Nigeria who have lived in the Niger Delta for more than 500 years. Population 850 000. Represented by the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People.
  31. Oromo: Unrecognised Territories, Population +/- 31 Million. Represented by the Oromo Liberation Front.
  32. Rehoboth Basters: Indigenous people, population +/- 35 000. Represented by the Captains Council.
  33. Savoy: Population 1 166 000. Represented by the Government of the State of Savoy.
  34. Sindh: Occupied & Unrecognized territory, Population: 45 Million, mainly Sindhis. Represented by the World Sindhi Institute
  35. Somaliland: Unrecognised territory, Population 3.5 Million. Represented by the Government of Somaliland.
  36. South Moluccas: Unrecognised State, Population 1 Million. Represented by the Government in Exile of the Republic of South Moluccas.
  37. Southern Azerbaijan: Unrecognised and Occupied Territory. Population 30 Million. Represented by the Southern Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement.
  38. Sulu: The Sulu people are a Muslim community living in the Sulu Archpelago, a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean in the south-western Philippines with around 700 000 inhabitants. Represented by the Sulu Foundation of Nine Ethnic Tribes
  39. Taiwan: De facto State in Eastern Asia, Population 22 974 347. Represented by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.
  40. Talysh: An ethnic group with a distinct language and culture, seeking greater autonomy within Azerbaijan. Largely concentrated in southern Azerbaijan and north-western Iran, with a major population centre in the city of Lenkoran. Official census figures suggest approximately 540,000 across Azerbaijan and Iran. Talysh groups claim a far higher figure: approximately one million, in addition to a sizeable diaspora. Represented by the National Talysh Movement
  41. Tibet: Occupied Territory, Population 6 Million (Tibetans) & 7.5 Million (Chinese). Represented by the Central Tibetan Administration.
  42. Trieste( Free Territory of Trieste): Administrative Sovereign Territory, Population 330 000.
  43. Vhavenda: Indigenous People, Population 720 000. Represented by the Dabalorivhuwa Patriotic Front.
  44. West Balochistan: West Balochistan is an occupied territory, annexed in 1928 to Iran in the Reza Shah Pahlavi era. Since many parts of Balochistan land after occupation has been partitioned into neighbouring Persian Provinces of Kerman, Khorasaan and Hormozgaan, Baloch population inclusively is about 4.8 million. Represented by the Balochistan People's Party.
  45. West Papua: Unrecognised State. Population 1 800 000 of which about half are indigenous to West Papua.
  46. Zanzibar: Occupied Territory, Population 920 000. Represented by the Zanzibar Democratic Alternative.

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