Sustainable coastal and maritime tourism policies must acknowledge the impacts of tourism activities on the coastal territories, the vulnerability and complexity of the coastal and maritime ecosystems and its interactions with the different sub-components of the CMT.

Recommended Actions

1. Promote coherence, stakeholders collaboration and cooperation mechanisms.

a. Ensure coherent, integrated and consistent policies at all political, geographic and sectoral levels.

b. Promote effective collaboration and innovative partnerships among all relevant stakeholders.

c. Foster policy dialogue and technical cooperation within and between marine regions

2. Support an integrated maritime & coastal planning through an eco-system-based approach.

a. Implement transversal planning instruments such as Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

b. Promote transboundary planning and international cooperation

c. Encourage inclusive planning and collaborative management with all stakeholders.

3. Develop comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and statistics schemes.

a. Measure and monitor the impacts of maritime and coastal tourism to natural ecosystems.

b. Promote qualitative instruments and assessment tools to evaluate the carrying capacity of destinations or territories.

c. Integrate socio-economic and environmental statistics at a national and regional level.

4. Identify, support and disseminate sustainable practices, responsible businesses and green skills.

a. Promote sustainable business practices by private and public actors.

b. Strengthen the integration of local private actors from different economic sectors.

c. Encourage high-quality education and vocational trainings integrating the principles of sustainability and inclusiveness.

5. Implement sectoral strategies and action plans to green and decarbonize the whole tourism industry

a. Develop sectoral action plans to decarbonize the whole tourism industry.

b. Mainstream the use of eco-labels and environmental certifications in the whole tourism value chain.

6. Facilitate the financing of sustainable blue tourism activities, strategies and actors.

a. Guarantee the alignment of development aid and cooperation schemes.

b. Design and implement environmental incentives and policies aiming at influencing the behaviour of blue tourism enterprises, travelers and investors.

c. Ensure sustainable and efficient Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).

7. Involve, prepare and empower travelers, the industry and key stakeholders.

a.Partner with the private sector

b.Educate travelers and tourists

c. Engage with civil society

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