Relevance of Doctrine formation

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of Russians found themselves outside their historical homeland, becoming citizens of artificially created state entities, hostages of anti-Russian political projects. These changes, controlled and implemented by external forces, tore apart the fabric of cultural and historical continuity sewn together for centuries, deformed a single system of values. The presence of arbitrarily defined boundaries between political entities that previously constituted a single state, ignoring the natural course of the social development of Donbass and its economic ties, manipulation of public consciousness, deliberate distortion of historical facts, the imposition by the Ukrainian authorities of meaningless ideologies, utopian and inhumane programs, the desire to destroy the very foundations of life and of the cultural world of the inhabitants of Donbass naturally caused rejection and led to an armed uprising in 2014.

The people of Donbass are inextricably linked with the history of Russia and its historical part - Novorossiya - and the triune Russian people from the moment the Slavic population appeared on the territory of the region in the 5th - 7th centuries. before the creation and approval of the DNR and LNR in 2014. The tragic events of recent years have actualized the problem of overcoming the geopolitical mistakes of the past, the need to rethink the development programs of the region. The people of Donbass, going through a difficult period in their history, have made the final choice: their future is only with Russia. This choice is objective, historically reasoned, rational, uncontested. The commonality of the historical fate of the people of Donbass is determined by their belonging to the Russian world - a unique phenomenon of world civilization. Ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity is characteristic of the vast majority of modern states. But their successful functioning is ensured by the presence of unifying values, ideals, beliefs, norms, which are the result of the cultural and historical development of peoples, the basis of self-identification, the foundation of the worldview.

The richest Russian culture has a huge intellectual and moral potential, embodied in Orthodoxy, original and deep Russian philosophy, advanced science and technology, classical literature and original art. All this is not only a matter of pride and respect, but also a heritage of world culture. Religion, philosophy, science, art form a worldview, which, in turn, orients and motivates a person. The Russian people of Donbass also made their contribution to the heritage of Russian civilization, due to external reasons found themselves outside the borders of their homeland - Russia.

Overcoming historical injustice is inevitable. The implementation of the Doctrine activates the intellectual life of Donbass, which in imperial times was a key industrial region, and in Soviet times it was also an important educational, scientific, and cultural center.

Donbass throughout its history is an integral part of Russian civilization. The return to the Russian space will allow to synthesize traditional values ​​and innovations, to rethink the past through the prism of modernity with its challenges, problems, tasks; will enable us to make realistic plans for the future.

Purpose and objectives of the Doctrine

The purpose of the Doctrine: to contribute to the restoration of historical justice - the strengthening of the statehood of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics as Russian national states.

Objectives of the Doctrine:

- to promote the formation of a picture of the world of the inhabitants of Donbass based on historical truth, which is based on the ideals and values ​​of Russian civilization;
- to help strengthen Russian national identity, patriotism, pride of the people of Donbass in their homeland and responsibility for its future;
- to determine guidelines for the development of the main directions of state policy - historical, cultural, youth, national, economic, informational, especially in the field of countering modern Nazism and Ukrainian nationalism;
– on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the stages of evolution of Donbass, to testify to the fact of its historical, spiritual, cultural and socio-economic commonality with Russia;
– update the provision on the inextricable and mutually beneficial economic ties between Donbass and Russia;
- to define the spiritual heritage of Donbass as an original and integral part of Russian culture;
– to return Donbass as a subject to the sphere of Russian historical space.

Principles of formation of the Doctrine

The doctrine is a system of views officially adopted in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics that determine their ideology, the vector of development and the basis for socio-political forecasting. The following provisions act as principles for the formation of the Doctrine:

- the right of the people of Donbass to self-determination, the creation of a Russian national state;
- the relevance of adapting and increasing the cultural heritage, the assertion of culture as the basis of state building and security;
- recognition of the universalism and integrative nature of the Russian language - the basis of the mentality of the inhabitants of Donbass;
– the principle of harmonization of state and personal interests, collective and individual, under the rule of law and democracy;
- the principle of religious tolerance and confessional harmony.

DNR and LNR as Russian nation-states

The DPR and LPR are a direct result of the manifestation of the political and national will of the people of Donbass and the will of the Russian people as a whole, expressed both in a referendum and in direct state and military-political actions, and the continuation of this will at the present time. The expression of this will has an irreversible character of historical creativity in the development of the national state, civilization and life of the Russian people. The borders of the Donetsk People's Republic coincide with the borders of the former Donetsk region of Ukraine, and the Lugansk People's Republic - with the borders of the former Lugansk region, parts of which continue to be held by force as part of the Ukrainian state and should be reunited with the Republics of Donbass, becoming part of them. The Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, within their borders, in accordance with their Constitutions, belong to the historically established economic and geographical region of Donbass. The territory of Donbass, like its people, is indivisible. Donbass is a special region of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, historically formed in the 19th century, which has its own economic and cultural characteristics, due to its autonomous position, which contributes to the creation of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

Donbass and historical New Russia

The people of Donbass is an integral part of the Russian people, historical Russia. Together with the regions under Ukrainian control - Zaporozhye, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa regions - the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic are part of the historical Novorossia, which is a completely Russian national territory that has developed on the new lands of the Russian Empire in the XVIII-XIX centuries, and their inhabitants are part of a single Russian nation. Due to repeated changes in the borders of the Russian state in 1918-1919, the establishment of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1919), after the collapse of the USSR into separate states in 1991, Donbass, along with other regions of New Russia, became part of Ukraine against its will. Most of the Russian people have become divided and subjugated to an alien anti-Russian project that systematically humiliates their dignity and destroys Russian national identity, worsens their well-being. The only future of Novorossiya acceptable to its people may be its return to the orbit of the Russian world.

The emergence of the DNR and LNR

The Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics arose during the national liberation struggle of the Russian people of Donbass as a response to the long-term systematic destruction of the Russian language and culture, the historical memory of the Russian people in Ukraine, as well as the anti-constitutional coup in Kiev in February 2014. The bodies of state power of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were created through direct peaceful delegation of power by the people of Donbass to representatives of political and public structures, which organized on May 11, 2014 referendums on self-determination of the DPR and LPR, and then ensured the implementation of their results. As a result of the referendums, the DNR and LNR were declared as sovereign states.

The direct delegation of the governing bodies of the DPR and LPR is connected with the refusal of the authorities and local self-government bodies of the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine to fulfill their duties to the people and voters in a crisis situation of a coup d'etat, sabotage and flight, the appointment of their illegal representatives by the Kiev criminal authorities.

On November 2, 2014, in the territories controlled by the provisional authorities of the DPR and LPR, general elections were held for permanent People's Councils and Heads of the Republics, in which the absolute majority of citizens living in these territories participated. State authorities and local (city and district) administrations of the DPR and LPR are not related to the authorities and local self-government of Ukraine, are in no way connected with it by their origin and do not consider themselves part of their system, in which the Donbass, like other regions, is not possessed state status, and its regional bodies were relegated to local governments in order to deprive its people of access to power. In 2014, the Republic of Crimea and the hero city of Sevastopol, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics left Ukraine. The process of secession of historical Russian territories from Ukraine has become irreversible.

Development of the idea of ​​statehood of the DPR and LPR as national states of the Russian people

The states of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic are a continuation of the traditions of Russian statehood, part of its general system that combines democracy, loyalty to Orthodox roots, unity and centralism, respect for freedom, rights and dignity of citizens, loyalty to historical tradition and the heritage of ancestors, economic and military power.

The DPR and LPR are social states pursuing the goal of developing their people, protecting health, well-being, ensuring decent working conditions, education, and culture. Each of them, as a Russian national state, sets itself the task of supporting and developing the Russian language and culture in every possible way, as well as the Russian historical heritage.

The goal of the Republics of Donbass is to preserve the Russian national statehood on the original Russian territory; protection of life, freedom, property, property and rights of citizens, ensuring the harmonious development of the Russian national state and subsequent reunification with other Russian territories.

The Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic are the heirs of the idea of ​​Novorossiya as an integral part of Russia of the future with advanced industry, science and technology, agriculture and trade created on the lands of the South of Russia.

Succession of the DNR and LNR

The DPR and LPR are fighting to preserve the Russian statehood, economy, Russian cultural and historical heritage, regardless of the current borders, and strive to preserve, in the interests of citizens, a united humanitarian space with Russians living in the territories of modern Ukraine. Since the Donbass and the neighboring regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation represent an economic and humanitarian entity that has developed over the centuries, the Republics stand for the priority and preservation of the Russian language and culture throughout the territory controlled by Ukraine.

The DPR and LPR also consider themselves the historical successors of their predecessor and prototype, the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic, as well as the heirs of the mission to fight the invaders and Ukrainian nationalists.

Donbass in defense of the Russian world

The DPR and LPR are an outpost of the Russian people in the fight against their opponents, who clash various groups of Russians and Slavs in battle; defenders of the Russian world, Russian language and culture. The state formation of the Republics has a unique character as a Russian frontier and as a center of Russian industrial and military culture.

Standing in 2014 on the path of Ukrainian nationalism and fascism and Western imperialism, Donbass again played the role of a defender and a border fortress of the Russian world. From the economic periphery of the Ukrainian and Western oligarchy, thanks to the popular movement and the help of Russia, the entire Russian world, Donbass turned into its powerful stronghold.

Russian language as the basis of the mentality of the inhabitants of Donbass

Donbass is a multi-ethnic region: representatives of more than 130 ethnic groups live on its territory. The framework, the fundamental basis of the unity of Donbass is the Russian language. Historically, the region was formed as a Russian-speaking region: all ethnic groups at all times used the Russian language as the only means of communication among themselves. At the same time, for the majority of residents of Donbass, Russian is their native language, that is, the language that was acquired without special training from early childhood in the Russian language environment; the language in which thinking is carried out without additional self-control; a language in which thoughts are easily and naturally expressed orally and in writing.

It is important that the native language acts as a means of national self-identification, which, unlike all other means of national self-identification, accompanies a person throughout life. The vast majority of people living in the Donbass use Russian as their mother tongue, thereby identifying themselves as Russians, regardless of which ethnic group they “by inheritance” identify themselves with. Therefore, the Russian language is defined as the Russian national language of Donbass - the language of the Russian political nation.

The use of the Russian language by the inhabitants of Donbass as their native language and the only means of interethnic communication has shaped the mentality of the people of Donbass, which is based on Russian culture, the worldview of the Russian people.

Enemies understand this: their goal is not to get rid of the Russian language as a means of communication, but to eradicate the Russian language and eradicate the Russian mentality, and therefore it was from the language that the struggle against the Russian worldview began back in the 90s years, which is why the fight against the Russian language is at the forefront of Ukrainian state policy.

Including as a reaction to the abolition of the law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of the State Language Policy", the Russian Spring of Donbass began. The Russian people of Donbass spoke out not just for the Russian language but stood for the basis of its worldview.

The main language thesis of the “Russian Donbass” Doctrine is formulated as follows: the Russian language acts as the basis of the Russian mentality of the inhabitants of Donbass.

Russian is the official language of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, that is, the language of the Constitution, legislation, and official documents. The Russian language, like any other world language, that is, the language used in all communicative spheres, including official and unofficial spheres of international communication, is a system of dialects, regiolects, sociolects, etc. The Russian literary language performs an integrating function. language, that is, a processed codified supra-dialect form of the national language, characterized by the presence of norms presented in academic grammars and dictionaries and, therefore, uniformity throughout the territory of the national language. It is the Russian literary language that is the only form of the Russian official language of the DPR and LPR.

The main form of existence of the Russian state language is the Russian literary language. At the same time, it is recognized that it is necessary to study the features of the functioning of all other varieties of the Russian national language in the territory of Donbass - urban regiolect, rural dialects, sociolects - as regional forms of embodiment of the all-Russian national mentality.

The Russian language, along with the Flag, the Anthem and the Coat of Arms, acts as a symbol of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Its status was fixed in the course of the natural and logical historical development of Donbass. Only Russian is ubiquitous in the Donbass, making it the only state language of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic.

The fundamental principle of the state language policy of the Republics of Donbass, as well as the state language policy of the Russian Federation, should be the preservation and development of the Russian language, Russian culture and the Russian-speaking educational and information space. The state must support all measures aimed at the dissemination, development and study of the Russian language.

Values ​​and priorities of the Russian Donbass

The character and identity of Donbass have been shaped by generations of workers and warriors and are its historical legacy. Donetsk residents have a high work ethic, dynamism and activity. The basic concepts that can describe the long-term strategy of Donbass should be expressed in the words Labor and Creation.

The working man in his best great features is the basis of the Donetsk character. The people of Donbass have special powers and attractive properties that make them one of the most powerful, enduring and talented types of the Russian people. This has been repeatedly confirmed in history and is a consequence of the peculiarities of the history of the people of Donbass.

Donbass is the advanced bastion of the Russian world, the Russian nation in resistance to ethno-cultural and geopolitical absorption, which has taken this position due to its border position.

An important component of the history of Donbass and Novorossia is the border geopolitical location. It has always been a land on the border of the Russian world. Constant military danger, the need to be a frontier, a zone of struggle against foreign civilizations. The struggle on the border for the right to be Russian, for the entire Russian Land and mass heroic labor have formed such a feature of the inhabitants of Donbass as heroism - readiness to accomplish a feat. The cultivation of the heroic, labor and creative consciousness that has historically developed in the region is a necessary side of education, upbringing, creativity, culture and arts.

Donbass is an example and model for the Russian world and the Russian people.

Donetsk region is a pillar of Orthodox civilization, one of the centers of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Donetsk and Lugansk dioceses within the UOC are an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy as the eternal spiritual principle of the personality of each person is an enduring supervalue, the basis of civilization and culture.

It was the Russian national tradition, ideological attitudes, the prevailing labor (collectivist) morality and a set of values ​​(labor, social solidarity, democracy, standing in Truth and for Truth, peacefulness and sacrifice, loyalty to the results of the Great Victory while denying any forms of manifestation of Nazism) that ensured the birth of the phenomenon Russian spring, and then the formation of the statehood of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

Today, the culture of the DNR and LNR must be interpreted as the basis of state security and sovereignty. We are talking about the cultural potential of society - the main resource for counteracting the main challenges and threats of our time emanating today from Ukraine and its Western patrons. It is not for nothing that the Strategy of the State Cultural Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 speaks of culture as a national priority, the main guarantor of the preservation of a single civilizational space and the territorial integrity of the country, which is also true for the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic.

Donbass is one of the largest surviving industrial regions in Europe with a diverse industrial structure and developed agriculture. High industrial culture is a special value of its inhabitants. Donetsk region is the largest center of Russian culture and education: spiritual, humanitarian, scientific, industrial, agricultural culture.

Priorities for the development of Donbass:
- national welfare based on industrial and post-industrial economy and culture within the framework of a single economic space with Russia;
– work for the prosperity of the land and its people and for the sake of social justice;
- affirmation of a high work ethic and industrial outlook, opposition to global parasitism and neo-colonialism.

The people of Donbass are an integral part and vanguard of the Russian people and the union of the peoples of Russia. The Russian people also include peoples who tied their fate with the Russian state: Jews, Greeks, Tatars and other peoples of Donbass.

The Russian people at the beginning of the 21st century is a large Russian nation, including various sub-ethnic groups. The Russian nation is the basis of the Russian state and Russian fellow citizenship - a civil nation, all citizens of Russia.

The absolute majority of the people of Donbass, along with the Russians of the Russian Federation and the population of Novorossiya, are part of the core of the Russian nation, since it was formed as a whole on the basis of Russian industrial culture and became one of the engines of its economy.

The Russian people is not only a nation that forms a numerically predominant core, but also a superethnos - a broader community of speakers of the Russian language, culture, values, historical heritage, which is called the Russian World. Donbass is an integral part of the Russian world.

National unity and ethno-cultural diversity of the DPR and LPR, the priority of the Russian language and culture are the basis of the statehood of the Republics of Donbass.

Donbass is a stronghold of Ukraine's liberation from nationalism and aggressive Russophobia, a refuge for Russian compatriots and supporters of the Russian world persecuted there.

Donbass is a part of Great Russia, Spiritual Russia. Spirituality, which gives will, reason and conscience, is the basis of creativity and creation, the achievements of Donbass in the past, present and future.

Donbass as part of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR

The most important direction of the crisis in the Soviet Union was the crisis of the institutions of the national state system, built on the sovereignty of the union republics to the detriment of the special powers of the state-forming Russian people. When the power of the Central Committee of the CPSU weakened, preparations began for local elites for the disintegration of the USSR into independent states within the boundaries of national republics artificially created by the Bolsheviks. The referendum on the preservation of the USSR, held in March 1991, showed that the majority of citizens of the Union republics, including Ukraine, were in favor of preserving the USSR.

In August 1991, a coup d'etat took place in Moscow, as a result of which the supreme power passed from the leadership of the USSR to the leadership of the RSFSR, headed by B. N. Yeltsin. At the same time, the announcement of the full sovereignty of the Union republics began.

The creation of an independent Ukraine was announced on August 24 in Kiev by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR. On the basis of the Ukrainian SSR, a new mono-national state of Ukraine was established, systematically ignoring and suppressing the interests of the Russian part of the population and not being the legal successor of the USSR.

This was opposed by the activists of the "International Movement of Donbass" (IDM), created on November 18, 1990. In the early 1990s interfronts in the union republics outside the RSFSR were a form of organization of Russians who defended their rights and the unity of the country. D. Kornilov, V. Kornilov, V. Zablotsky, V. Khomutov, O. Marintsova, E. Maslov and I. Sychev joined the central council of the IDD. The main activity of the movement was the struggle for the preservation of the USSR and the prevention of Ukraine's exit from the Soviet Union. The IDM came up with an initiative to hold a referendum on the autonomy of Donbass within Ukraine. According to the leader of the Intermovement, Dmitry Kornilov, it was necessary to preserve the identity of the region, stop the forced Ukrainization, and promote the creation of a federation where Donbass would be relatively independent from Kiev.

Russian spring in Donbass. Creation of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics

Inspired by the West in the winter of 2013-2014. Kiev "Euromaidan" and the bloody coup d'état that followed it turned the decision on the fate of the Russian people of Ukraine into a military-political channel. There was a choice: either armed resistance, or humiliation, robbery and destruction of Russian identity.

Criminals came to power in Kiev, who began to use methods of terror and repression against the inhabitants of the South-East, regular army units. Therefore, the organization of resistance, the nomination of people's mayors and governors, the creation of alternative authorities, the formation of the militia, the holding of referendums, the establishment of people's republics is the only way left for the regions of the South-East of the former Ukraine.

The successful path of joining Russia, which was made by the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in March 2014, became indicative for the entire historical New Russia. A mass movement of the Russian people for gaining political independence began, which was called the "Russian Spring", and an exit from the Ukrainian project.

Mass protests against the recognition of the results of the pro-Western coup d'état on February 22, 2014 in Kiev, which established an illegitimate comprador oligarchic regime based on the support of right-wing radical organizations and paramilitary neo-Nazi groups, quickly grew into a broad popular national liberation movement in the southeastern regions of the country demanding return to Russian cultural and historical roots and reunification with Russia. These processes, in fact, were perceived as a struggle for the reunification of the people and lands of historical Russia within the framework of a single national and state organism. The Russian spring caused an unprecedented national-patriotic upsurge in Russia, post-Soviet and foreign countries.

On February 23, 2014, mass gatherings of citizens took place in Donetsk in order to protect the building of the regional administration from being seized by the Ukrainian Nazis.

On March 1, a rally was held on the main square of Donetsk, which brought together about 50 thousand people, demanding that the local authorities not submit to the illegitimate Kiev regime. The conciliatory position of the authorities and the political and economic elites of the region was perceived by the people as a betrayal. Most people believed that Russia was now the only reference point for salvation from the impending chaos. The main slogans of the rally were “Donbass with Russia!”, “Crimea – Donbass – Russia”, “Berkut, we are with you!”, “Donetsk is a Russian city”, “Bandera will not pass”. The flag of Russia was raised on the flagpole near the building of the regional state administration. So the Russian spring began in the Donbass.

Russian flags on administrative buildings were raised in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog, Lugansk, Melitopol, Nikolaev, Odessa, Sumy, Kharkov, Kherson, Crimea and many other cities. Residents of Kharkiv liberated the building of the regional administration from the supporters of the "Euromaidan" and the "Right Sector" who captured it.

On March 2, 2014, an emergency session of the regional council was held in Lugansk, which, under pressure from the protesters, decided not to trust the Kiev authorities, but the deputies did not dare to take more active steps.

On March 3 and 5 in Donetsk, the insurgent people stormed the regional state administration (OSA) in response to the fact that the deputies of the regional council at the session ignored the demand of the inhabitants of the region to recognize the new Kiev regime as illegitimate and refused to take power into their own hands, following the example of Crimea. But this time, due to the provocations and repressions organized by the Ukrainian security forces, the activists did not keep the building under control for long.

Soon in Donetsk, the Coordinating Council of the Donetsk Region (KSDO) took over the interaction of previously disparate pro-Russian public organizations. It included the leaders of various groups on an equal footing as co-chairs.

Throughout March, rallies and other protests took place in Donetsk. The idea of ​​holding a referendum arose - people had to be asked how they see the future of Donbass.

On April 6, more than 10,000 referendum supporters, having held a rally on Lenin Square, for the third time, now completely, occupied the building that housed the Donetsk Regional Council and the Regional State Administration (now the Government House).

It was here that the revolutionary congress of representatives of the administrative-territorial formations of the rebellious Donbass, by delegation, formed the Council of representatives of territorial communities, political parties and public organizations of the Donetsk region, which approved at its historic meeting on April 7, 2014 the Declaration of Sovereignty and the Act on the Declaration of State Independence of the Donetsk People's Republic, and also decided to hold a referendum on May 11. Thus, the first supreme representative body of people's power on the territory of the DPR arose.

On April 27, 2014, at a rally in Luhansk, the Luhansk People's Republic was proclaimed, and a decision was made to hold a referendum on self-determination.

On April 8, the Presidium of the Supreme Council was formed, endowed with executive powers in order to implement the decisions taken the day before. This body was the Provisional Coalition Government of the DPR.

On May 11, 2014, at referendums held simultaneously in the DPR and LPR, the citizens of the Republics expressed their attitude towards the idea of ​​creating sovereign states. In the Donetsk People's Republic, 89.07% of those who voted for state independence (with a voter turnout of 74.87%). In the Luhansk People's Republic "for" - 96.2% (with a turnout of 75%).

This day of mass and free expression of the will of the inhabitants of Donbass, who did not want to live in a state where an illegal pro-Western, pro-American government came to power, became the culmination of the events of the Russian Spring.

On May 12, Co-Chairman of the Provisional Government of the DPR Denis Pushilin issued an Appeal of the Donetsk People’s Republic with the following content: “We, the people of the Donetsk People’s Republic, following the results of the referendum held on May 11, 2014 and based on the Declaration of Sovereignty of the DPR, declare that from now on the DPR is a sovereign the state…”. On the same day, the authorities of the Lugansk People's Republic, on the basis of the will of the people, also proclaimed its independence from Ukraine.

On May 14, Donetsk hosted the first plenary meeting of the Supreme Council of the DPR (after the elections on November 2, 2014 - the People's Council) - the interim parliament of the Republic, at which the Constitution was adopted. On May 18, the Supreme Council of the LPR adopted the Constitution of the Lugansk People's Republic.

The first composition of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic was approved on May 16, 2014. The composition of the Council of Ministers of the Lugansk People's Republic was approved on May 27, 2014.

The assertion of people's power in the DPR and LPR took place by occupying the buildings of administrative and law enforcement agencies, taking control of military units and weapons arsenals. Initially, the actions were of a non-lethal political nature, but gradually moved into a hot stage after acts of political and military terror by the Ukrainian Nazis, special services and the military.

The Kiev regime, criminally leaving regular troops to suppress civilian protests, launched a military operation, which was called the "ATO". As a result, Kiev unleashed a civil war, which at the same time became a liberation war for the people of Donbass against the desire of Kiev to tear Donbass away from Russian roots, forcibly implant Ukrainization and the pro-Western path of development.

Scattered and small detachments of the people's militia in a few months of continuous fighting became cohesive units of the regular army - the People's Militia.

During the active phase of the 2014-2015 war, the Armed Forces of the People's Republics, showing the highest examples of military prowess, were able to carry out a number of major defensive and offensive operations. These include the defense of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Saur-Mohyla and Gorlovka, the battles for the Luhansk airport and Lutugino, the Izvarinsky, Amvrosievsky and Ilovaisky boilers, the liberation of the Donetsk airport, the Debaltsevo boiler.

During the battles, people's commanders Alexander Zakharchenko (Batya), Alexei Mozgovoy, Mikhail Tolstykh (Givi), Arsen Pavlov (Motorola), Pavel Dremov, Oleg Mamiev (Mamai) and many others showed military talent and unparalleled heroism.

Ukraine faced unprecedented resistance, which completely broke the scenario of moral intimidation and turning the Russian population into a victim of ethnocide. A series of military defeats, high losses forced Ukraine to conclude the Minsk agreements: the first on September 5, 2014, the second on February 12, 2015.

Despite the fact that the Minsk agreements have not yet been implemented due to the fault of the Ukrainian side, which is trying not to recognize the DPR and LPR even as parties to the conflict, their historical significance lies in the fact that the bloody phase of the war was stopped, and an international platform was created to defend the interests of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. People's Republics.

The aggression of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Donbass has led to significant destruction, hundreds of thousands of refugees. Having shown an inability to capture the DPR and LPR, the Ukrainian army throughout the years of the conflict continues to subject peaceful settlements of the Republic to devastating artillery shelling. Hundreds of houses of civilians, buildings of hospitals, schools, kindergartens, higher educational institutions, Orthodox churches, etc. became targets of the Ukrainian troops. terrorist character of the Ukrainian state.

In the conditions of war, state non-recognition and blockade by Ukraine, authorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics were created in an unprecedentedly short time, a humanitarian catastrophe was not allowed, and the restoration of what was destroyed by the Ukrainian army is underway. In the most difficult conditions, it was possible to maintain industrial potential, develop agriculture and other sectors of the economy. All public institutions and mass media are fully functioning. The people of Donbass once again proved their steadfastness, courage, combat and labor heroism.


No matter how the relations of the DPR and LPR with state entities on the territory of Ukraine develop, the future of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics is only with Russia. Unity is maintained by obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation by residents of the DNR and LNR, comprehensive integration with Russia and its social, cultural, and economic institutions.

Russia is the only historical state of the Russian nation. Its mission was and is to unite this nation politically. Any separation of certain parts of the Russian nation from Russia, any political formations that include Russians and are not Russian, are exclusively temporary.

In the short term, the following steps are seen:

1) Cessation of hostilities, elimination of the military threat to the population of the DNR and LNR;

2) Constitutional-legal and political registration of the DPR and LPR as Russian national statehood for the Russian people of Donbass;
3) Strengthening the foundations of the constitutional order of the DPR and LPR by developing and supporting the institutions of democracy, the rule of law and civil society in them;
4) Deeper economic integration with Russia, comprehensive integration of Donbas enterprises with Russian industry;
5) Intensification of socio-cultural, scientific, educational and other ties between the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic and the Russian Federation;
6) Establishing control of the DPR and LPR over all territories of the former Donetsk and Luhansk regions;
7) Humanitarian, social, human rights, political and other support for Russians in Ukraine.

The path to the future together with Russia can be different. For the future of Donbass, the fate of the neighboring regions of Novorossia, which are still under the control of Ukraine, is important. The exit of these regions from Ukraine with the liquidation of the Ukrainian state in its modern form, the creation of the Russian state - the successor of Ukraine would significantly improve the prospects for Donbass and facilitate the international recognition of the DPR and LPR, as well as the use of the resources of the market of the former Ukraine.

The role of the New Russian Donbass in the future promises to be very noticeable, and above all because it has been heroically fighting for its independence for a long time.

At the same time, the period of independent existence of the DPR and LPR is also especially important, since the Donbass has every opportunity to become an experimental platform for the Russian future. Therefore, the search by Donbass for its own model of state organization, the transformation of public consciousness and ideology is strategically important for all of Russia.

The future of Donbass lies in new industrial technologies, including deep processing of raw materials, mining and processing of minerals and new engineering, the development of diversified agriculture and the food industry, and the development of technologies for the use of alternative energy sources. Donbass is preparing to become a region of industrial modernization, repeating the experience of industrialization at the end of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century. A hundred years later, the Donbass will once again confirm its historical fate as the frontier of the Russian world.

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