Author Ambassador András Simonyi (an EU citizen) is the Managing Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington D.C.  Original Text has been edited along with pertinent recommendations

"European politicians have lost their way and perhaps their political common sense commenting on the results of the U.S. elections. They do not want to admit that they made a really bad mistake. They could never anticipate Mr. Trump victory. To make things worse, they are now committing the ultimate faux pas of foreign policy: instead of trying to figure out how to make the best of an unexpected situation, they are still whining about Mr. Trump. Politicians should leave the whining to the social movements, the social media and the intellectuals in their well protected Ivory Towers, and get real.

European politicians can’t stop lecturing the President-elect, sending messages about the “criteria” the meeting of which will be “the conditions for Europe to work with the U.S.” Europe is now the champion of values vs. the U.S.? Really?

European leaders should at least be as generous as some of the worst critics of Mr. Trump in the United States are: give the President-elect a chance. There is an axiom when dealing with the United States: “You deal with the President the Americans choose to elect, according to their electoral system, good or bad, not your dream candidate. You don’t deal with a person. You deal with an institution.”

Europeans today are angry, because not only has their diplomacy failed in giving a more precise analysis of the United States, the political undercurrent, the anger of the left-behinds but their politicians can’t get over the fact that their views and what they think is at the moment irrelevant for America. With the disastrous state of affairs: the deep inside divisions, BREXIT, the terrible mistakes in the migration and refugee crisis, the rising wave of populism to which answers by the mainstream political parties is ineffective to say the least, backsliding of democracy in Eastern Europe, the impotence in dealing with the Syrian crisis, Europe is not exactly in the position to lecture America.

There are strong, but suppressed voices out there in Europe, pragmatists who see the President-elect as perhaps not their role model, but with whom they want to find the right tone, who like it or not is crucial to the basic security and economic interests of Europe. Those for whom the principle of a lasting and strong transatlantic relationship is more important than their next reelection, the pushing of narrow national interests. Those who understand that the challenges of the 21st century demand strong transatlantic ties. These voices must get stronger and gain influence in the corridors of Brussels and key capitals, even if it is unpopular at the moment to urge for calm and restraint.

Europe’s leaders are lying about Europe’s ability and willingness to protect itself without America. Those who, because of Mr. Trump’s victory, suddenly urge European defense as an alternative to NATO are talking nonsense. They should read the beginners guide to strategic thinking. Given the tragically low defense spending, how in God’s name do they think they will be able build a credible and reliable force. Not to speak of the political cohesion and leadership needed. Mr. Trump is right to demand a higher level of spending from the European allies, and this should guide Europeans. It is counter intuitive: the more Europe is willing to spend, the more likely the Americans will stay engaged. But it might turn out, it seems, that Mr.Trump is not the ultimate threat to NATO’s continued existence.

Europe should try and help get out his better side, the once truly moderate side, because that is in all of our interest. Painting the President-elect into a corner, continued lecturing will only convince the President-elect that Europeans are out to get him. Be careful, Mr. Trump is not the kind of person who likes that kind of an approach, and European leaders should brace for some toughness. And as we know they are not good at dealing with toughness.


  1. Cease commenting on Trump’s elections from the sidelines.
  2. Do not alienate the President-elect Trump. It is is unwise, as it will harm European interests. Instead, try to influence Trump’s policies and his decision-making by engaging with him.
  3. Present unity towards Washington and in order to build such a united front: define your  goals and red lines, agreeing on tactics and strategies of how to protect your core interests
  4. Reach out to Mr. Trump and to his team. Start a broad charm offensive not  independently, but rather in coordination.
  5. Seek to influence Mr. Trump's views and policies especially with regard to Europe’s core interests. The more often you talk to him the better.
  6. Europe needs to become more independent with regard to their security. In the best case this would help retain the US engaged as a partner, as it will be able to see Europe doing its part. In the worst case, should American disengage from NATO, Europe will have already have set up structures to at least partly fill the void.

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