Mr. Oleg Rumyansetsev, Managing Partner of Rumyantsev & Partners, a Moscow based corporate affairs and government relations consultancy, and President of the Association of Government Relations Specialists (GR League) of the Russian Federation has joined AALEP.

Mr. Rumyantsev has more than 25 years of  active scientific, state, public and political activity, as well as corporate and consulting practice in the field of interaction with government authorities of the Russian Federation.

Leader of a number of democratic public associations and political organisations in the late 80-ies – 90-ies, a People's Deputy of the Russian Federation and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation (1990-1993), the Executive Secretary of the Constitutional Commission of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, Head of the Working group for preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation, which became one of fundamental sources of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted on 12 December, 1993 by a nation-wide voting.

Mr. Rumyantsev has more than 10 years of practical experience in Government Relations management involving maintenance of an efficient interrelationship of largest foreign investors with governmental authorities of Russia, contributing to improvement of the investment climate in Russian subdivisions of first-string international corporations (Mars, Shell, TNK-BP).

Mr. Rumyantsev has a long-term consulting practice in the field of legislation (State Duma of the Russian Federation) and international activity (Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia), as well as in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus).

Mr. O.Rumyantsev is the President of the Constitutional Reforms Fund (Nonprofit Institution) (est. in 1992), manager of several scientific programs, author of a lot of publications and papers on constitutional law, constitutional reform, development of political system, improvement of investment climate in the Russian Federation. Ph.D. (Law) (1994).

We welcome Mr. Oleg Rumyantsev on board.


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