Executive Actions to be taken after Inauguration (January 20, 2017)

  1. Direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American worker.
  2. Issue a "notification of intent" to withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Instead, negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.
  3. Cancel restrictions on the production of energy in the U.S., including shale and clean coal
  4. Formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated.
  5. Lean on the Department of Defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to come up with a "comprehensive plan" for protecting U.S. infrastructure from all forms of attack, including cyber-attacks
  6. Ban executive officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave a president's administration.
  7. Lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying for foreign governments

Actions that do not need Congress

  1. Suspend immigration from “terror-prone regions”
  2. End foreign trade abuses
  3. Choose Supreme Court nominee
  4. Leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  5. Label China a currency manipulator
  6. Limit federal regulations
  7. Roll back environmental regulations
  8. Rescind Obama's actions on guns
  9. Approve the Keystone XL pipeline
  10. Tighten lobbying restrictions
  11. Freeze federal hiring
  12. Overturn protections for certain undocumented immigrants
  13. Cancel payments to U.N. climateprograms
  14. Propose term limits on Congress

Actions that might need Congress

  1. Deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes
  2. Renegotiate or withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement
  3. Impose tariffs on companies moving overseas
  4. Stop funding “sanctuary cities”

Actions that need Congress

  1. Repeal and replace Obamacare
  2. Build a wall
  3. End Common Core
  4. Pass a security bill
  5. Cut taxes
  6. Pass an infrastructure bill
  7. Pass an ethics bill
  8. Restrict lobbying by former members of Congress
  9. Pass a child care bill
  10. Pass a law enforcement bill


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