Lobbying is neither recognised nor regulated in Tunisia. The current government is taking steps to consult the various stakeholders. Yet not all stakeholders have equal access to information on the definition and formulation of public policies. Some influential groups (businessmen, corporations, etc. ) have privileged access to information, a factor that detracts from the effort to establish a general framework of transparency and openness in the development of public policies. Also Tunisia is still marked by the weight of big families, that have interests to preserve.

It is essential for all stakeholders to have equitable chances of participating in policy development in order to ensure the integrity of decisions and to protect public interests vis-à-vis private ones. To this end, the Tunisian government should (i) regulate lobbying practices to ensure that they are conducted in an honourable and transparent manner; and (ii) perhaps adopt a proactive approach with a formal mechanism for ensuring that the opinions of other stakeholders, including civil society, are taken into account.

Accessibility of legislation and participation in the decision-making process

  • Ensure greater accessibility to legislation (especially on line) and a culture of transparency in the public administration.
  • Hold regular consultation with all stakeholders during preparation of new laws. These consultations should be held sufficiently in advance so they can make a positive contribution.

Reporting on lobbying activities

  • Conduct information and awareness campaigns on the role (positive and negative) and practices of lobbyists. These campaigns should be targeted at those officials on the executive and legislative branches who are most exposed to lobbying.

A legal framework to govern lobbying

  • Introduce regulations (adapted to the Tunisian context) to define and govern the activities of persons who may be in a position to influence the preparation of legislation.
  • Include in the new public service a code of ethics rules that officials must observe when engaging with lobbyists.

Lobby-Leaks Tunisia

Lobby-Leaks is a recently launched information platform which in the shape of a cobweb, allows to identify the ties that exist between the influential personalities of the country and the political, media and financial lobbies. Lobby-Leaks undertakes research of the actors (political parties, associations, companies, journalists etc..) and the nature of the bonds (family, professional etc.). The objective is triple: (1) to inform citizens about the existence of these circles of influence and the nature of the connections that exist between them; (2) to establish a culture of transparency that supports democracy, in which the general interest takes precedence over the particular interests; (3) to encourage citizens to take part in the political decision-making process and to play the role of counter power.

In the near future, Lobby Leaks wishes to analyse the strategies of influence, through studies and articles in order to promote transparency and raise citizens’ awareness.

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