The AALEP Certified Public Policy Advocacy Programme will be a standard for certifying individuals who are government relations professionals. The certification will mean that the “Certified Public Policy Advocate” possesses in-depth knowledge of legislative, executive and regulatory procedures along with the rules, regulations and ethical standards to which all Public Policy Advocates must adhere at EU level.

Value of the Certification Programme

The Certified Public Policy Advocate Programme will strengthen the aptitude and effectiveness of government relations personnel in lobbying firms, corporations, trade associations and not-for-profit organizations. The programme will be useful for both new and veteran Public Policy Advocates. New Public Policy Advocates will be introduced into the public-policy advocacy world through the programme, while experienced Public Policy Advocates will have the opportunity to hone existing skills. Additionally, the programme will serve as an important tool to ensure participants comply with all ethical and legal standards. Participants will earn professional certification and recognition as leaders in the EU public policy advocacy community by earning the designation of “Certified Public Policy Advocate.” The programme is ideal for all individuals who wish to improve their skills in politics, government relations and issues management.

Program Requirements (7 courses)

Successful completion of the Public Policy Advocate Programme requires completion of a minimum of seven courses. (4 Mandatory Courses and 3 Elective Courses) for a total of 98 hours of completed organized instruction. 

Mandatory Courses (4 courses)

  1. Ethics in Public Policy Advocacy: Regulations, Issues and Best Practice
  2. Public Policy Advocacy 101
  3. The EU Legislative and Decision Making Process 
  4. Media and Communications

1. Ethics in Public Policy Advocacy: Regulations, Issues and Best Practice

This course equips both new and seasoned government relations professionals to uphold the strictest standards of behaviour. Making day-to-day ethical business decisions when interacting with government personnel. Topics covered include: 

  • What ethical expectations apply specifically to associations, lobbying firms, corporations and other entities.
  • How to keep your clients and organizations from inadvertently triggering ethics violations
  • Case studies illustrating how to- and how not do- deal with conflict of interest rules and other ethical issues related to lobbying
  • How to apply Codes of Conduct  in every-day situations

2. Public Policy Advocacy 101

This course is designed to provide a good grasp of the basics, including the key types of public policy advocacy, the government legislative parameters as well as the risks associated with poor access and communication strategies. This course provides an overview of the essential elements of public policy advocacy.

Topics covered include:

  • How to move into lobbying without making costly mistakes
  • How to get quickly up to speed on issues and create the right messaging
  • Proven ways to maximize advocacy and minimize costs in today’s challenging economic climate
  • Proven strategies for successful government relations
  • What elected and appointed officials say works and doesn’t for lobbyists seeking to build relationships and earn attention for their agendas
  • Understanding the key differences in lobbying for funds versus lobbying for change
  • Identifying the key players in the lobbying process (stakeholder analysis)
  • Strategies on maximizing and expanding your contacts list
  • Capitalizing on tactics to exert pressure in a timely fashion, and recognizing when you should hold off

3. The EU Legislative and Decision-Making Process

​This course arms participants with practical insider knowledge of the EU legislative and decision-making process. Participants will learn how to navigate the EU institutions and be most effective in securing the right language in a proposed amendment. Students will explore how choosing the right format for their issue can make all the difference in achieving your goals.

Topics covered include:

  • How to work with Assistants and Members of the European Parliament to achieve your goals- and avoid common but costly mistakes
  • The right approach for offering suggestions on draft legislation
  • How the EU legislative and decision-making process works and sources of proposed legislation
  • How procedures shape legislation through parliamentary committees
  • Drafting rules, styles and practical tips
  • How to balance style and substance to improve the quality of draft legislation and rules- and chances of passage
  • Lessons from real-world draft legislation language

4. Media and Communications

This course offers essential guidance for both new and seasoned government relations professionals. From traditional issue advertisements to the new media, students will learn how to choose and use communication tactics to get appointments, make powerful presentations, and successfully influence policy and programmes.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding the role of the media in public policy influence
  • How to use the media in public policy advocacy campaigns
  • Creating a communication plan (including a media plan) for your public policy advocacy campaign
  • Media segmentation and targeting
  • Practical media engagement in public policy advocacy campaigns

Elective (3 courses)

  1. Effective Advocacy Tools
  2. Grassroots Public Policy Advocacy
  3. Building and Managing Coalitions
  4. Tracking and Analysing Legislation
  5. Managing Contract Public Policy Advocates
  6. Developing a Proactive Advocacy Agenda
  7. Mounting an EU Public Policy Advocacy Campaign
  8. Managing a Government Relations Department
  9. Legislative Trends
  10. Online Public Policy Advocacy

Each course is equivalent to two 7 hours sessions (14 hours)


Admission decisions are based on education, personal experience and employment history.

Class Offerings

AALEP will make every effort to offer a class at least every month. Classes will be conducted by experts on each topic. These professionals will include recognized authorities from throughout the Brussels lobbying and government affairs arena. In addition, all Certified Public Policy Advocacy  classes will be approved and backed by the expertise of AALEP.

 Administration of Programme

The Program will be implemented by AALEP

Periodic Evaluation of the Programme

These evaluations will assess the program’s administrative structure, curriculum, and facilitation based on feedback received from participant evaluations, and an assessment of the programme’s success.


Each two days course costs € 850 which includes registration fee, workbooks and syllabus. Course fee must be paid in full at the time of registration.

Guidelines for Professional Conduct

AALEP believes government relations s professionals should uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior.  In that regard, AALEP expects its Members and Public Policy Advocacy Certificate Programme candidates to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Members and Candidates will comply with both the letter and the spirit of all applicable laws regarding public policy advocacy, lobbying,  political activities and business government relations.
  • Members and Candidates will represent the interests of their employer or client in an honest, open fashion, avoiding the intentional dissemination of false or misleading information to clients or employers, public officials, the media or professional colleagues.
  • Members and Candidates will treat all involved in the governmental process with full respect and dignity.
  • Members and Candidates will avoid conflicts of interest and where conflict is unavoidable, will communicate the facts fully and freely to those affected.
  • Members and Candidates will strive to increase public understanding of the role of public policy advocacy in a representative democracy through individual and collective educational efforts.
  • Members and Candidates will continue to pursue professional development through formal education, meetings and seminars, and any other means available to acquire enough knowledge to fairly present a balanced point of view.
  • Members and Candidates will respect and abide by the applicable rules, regulations and practices of EU, national and regional organizations of government officials.

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