The email scandal is not going away. The House Intelligence Committee will clearly investigate all of the information that it has as it relates to classified information being put on networks. If classified information is found it will give these congressional inquiries a whole new life as well it should.

The FBI will also investigate whether the Clinton State Department gave special access and favors to Clinton Foundation donors. Congress will certainly investigate whether there was improper interference in those FBI efforts.

Then expect a battle with Congress if Clinton tries to elevate close aides implicated in her email scandal to positions of public trust. Republicans will insist that sanctions be imposed on anyone who mishandled classified information, received immunity or took the Fifth Amendment in the Clinton investigation including denial of access to classified material.

Congress will almost certainly take a careful look into the leaked 12-page memo by Bill Clinton confidant Doug Band in which he details the squalid underside of what he calls "Bill Clinton, Inc." and the shady nexus between the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton's private speech income, Band's consulting firm Teneo and the Clinton State Department. 

In other words, the Clinton honeymoon is over before it even begins and rightly so. It is simply inconceivable that Clinton aides removed classified "headers" from emails and used BleachBit to erase emails after receiving a congressional subpoena to preserve them, and yet not a single person has been punished.

If Clinton wins this election, and Republicans hold onto one or both houses of Congress, investigations of the Clinton scandals will start soon after her inaugural and will go on for years. And the clamor for a special prosecutor, who will build a huge staff and spend years investigating, will become irresistible. This is the near-certain fate and future of any Hillary Clinton presidency, and it would be disastrous for the country and for the world.

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