Clients in the closed financial year: 2021

  1. Aena SA (Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegacion Aérea
  2. Airlines 4 Europe
  3. Allegro
  4. Amazon
  5. Anglo American PLC
  6. Aon Corporation
  7. ASML Netherlands B.V.
  8. Athena Cosmetics
  9. Bitpanda GmbH
  10. BNY Mellon
  11. Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA)
  12. CFA Institute
  13. Chemours Company
  14. Citadel LLC
  15. Danzer Group
  16. Deutsche Börse AG
  17. Digital Currencies Governance Group
  18. EIT Health
  19. Eli Lilly and Company
  20. EUROGAS aisbl
  21. European Council of Shopping Places (ECSP)
  22. European FinTech Association
  23. ExxonMobil
  24. F. Hoffman-La-Roche Ltd.
  25. Faurecia S.E.
  26. FIA European Principal Traders Association
  27. Frist Solar
  28. Fundacion ONCE (Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos Espanoles)
  29. Future of Life Institute
  30. GEFCO
  31. General Motors
  32. Google
  33. Grifols S.A.
  34. Harley-Davidson Inc.
  35. Heineken International
  36. Helsinn Healthcare SA
  37. Index Industry Association (IIA)
  38. INEOS
  39. International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications
  41. Managed Funds Association (MFA)
  42. Mastercard Europe
  43. McAfee Enterprise
  44. Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
  45. Natixis Investment Managers
  46. Novartis Pharmaceutical AG
  47. P27 Nordic Payment Platform
  48. PATH
  49. Payments Europe
  50. ResMed, Inc.
  51. Rusal
  52. SANOFI
  53. Schroders Investment Management (Europe)
  54. SES (Société européenne des satellites)
  55. Sinch
  56. The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
  57. The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries (EFPIA)
  58. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development,Inc.
  59. TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited
  60. Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG
  61. Universal Robots Mobile Industrial Robots A/S
  62. US Grains Council
  63. Vaccines Europe
  64. Vanguard Asset Management
  65. Waymo
  66. Wellington Management International Limited
  67. Yara International
  68. Zalando SE

Clients in the current financial year

  1. Atlantia SpA
  2. CureVac
  3. Rio Tinto

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