European cooperation cannot be contemplated without a definition of what Europe is. The nations of Europe share in common civilization values, roots and a common history drawn in Greece, Ancient Rome, Christendom and humanism of Renaissance. In the recent history, European countries have endured conflicts and wars often linked to ambitions of building empires by subordination and denying national realities. We need to be wary of this drifting that today characterizes the European Union.

  • Promoting our values of European civilization

European cooperation cannot be contemplated without defining where Europe stops. The successive enlargements of the European Union have weakened it. We must see an end of this logic that push eurocrats to want to integrate Turkey within the EU ! It is of course important to maintain political relations and develop a privileged partnership with Europe’s neighboring countries. Thus, we must have an ambitious development policy of African countries by making financial support conditional to close cooperation to control migratory flows to Europe. Regarding Russia, we must end the cold war towards Russia led by the European institutions The spiral of sanctions and embargos in return on our production is as harmful to Europe as it is for Russia.

  • No to Turkey within the EU
  • Re-establish balanced relations with Russia as well as with the United States.

In order to ensure the security of people, it is urgent to protect the external borders of Europe by a reinforced cooperation between our countries. But this policy won’t be sufficient if we do not re-establish control of our national borders by respecting the choice of Member States and getting out of the Schengen’s free movement logic. In parallel a real immigration dissuasion policy must be engaged : reserving social support to our fellow citizens, refusing laxity in granting azylum, immediate expulsion of clandestine immigrants, stopping legal immigration, cease the automatic renewal of residence permits etc.

  • Protecting jointly Europe’s external borders
  • Re-establishing controls at national borders
  • Having a firm migration policy : overhaul of the azylum system, stopping legal immigration, expulsion of clandestine migrants, national priority for social assistance

The massive immigration endured by Europe for decades and the lowering of borders make European countries very vulnerable to the islamist threat and the proliferation of this political-religious ideology on our soil. It is time to consider this as a great collective challenge, that requires political will and a cooperation between law enforcement bodies and the judiciary.

  • Expulsion of foreign islamists
  • Shutting down radical mosques

Our economy, our jobs and our industries need to be protected. The dogma of ‘open and undistorted competition’ leads to a disengagement of the State in all strategic sectors and subjugate the real economy to the interests of international finance. The acceptance of the customs union requires as a counterpart that France implements an economic patriotism by making French enterprises a priority in public procurement. The single European market has become a pretext for a true unfair competition, which must end by repealing the directive on the posting of workers that is similar to a real foreign preference. Indeed, the cost of a worker in Eastern Europe is much lower than that of a French salaried worker as the result primarily of the payment of social contributions in the country of origin. This system constitutes an injustice all the more unbearable that France suffers a mass employment. The posted worker is subject to numerous frauds as was recently revealed by the Court of Auditors. Likewise is it normal for a company that practices excessive relocation and therefore make its tariff advantage paid by unemployment supported by the collectivity to be advantaged in public tenders thanks to a falsification of real costs ? Public money must also serve to encourage  the enterprises that take into account the development of local economies, collective necessities and the national interest.

  • Repealing the directive on the posting of workers
  • Putting an end to the free competition dogma and priority to French enterprises in public procurement.
  • Recognizing the national responsibility of enterprise (NRE) to encourage virtuous behavior (refusal of relocation, employment of a national workforce, providing incentives for using local suppliers or products) and integrating it on the award criteria of public procurement contracts).

The multiplication of free trade agrements of the European Union with all countries of the world inflicts our economy an unfair competition that has almost killed our industry and will kill tomorrow our agriculture. We must end commerce without borders that consist in manufacturing products in Asia, selling them in Europe and treating waste in Africa. On the contrary we must re-establish customs protections (taxes, quotas) at Europe’s borders as do large economies (The United States, India, Japan, etc.) Deregulated fret rade is deeply anti-ecology. It is necessary to favor the relocation of human activities and privilege short corcuits, the localism i.e. production, consumption and the reprocessing within a geographical perimetre as close as possible.

  • Stopping unfair competition and establishing the just-trade
  • Favoring localism by zero rate for short circuits and overtaxing anti-ecological global imports

In their federalism approach as a forced march, eurocrats in the name of a pretended ‘social harmonization’ want to establish common rules for the minimum wage. Given that the minimum gross wage is for example 280 euros in Romania while in France it is 1,500 euros, such harmonization would have for consequence in practice a collapse of salaries and therefore of purchasing power in Western European countries.

  • Refusing the social and fiscal alignments that can only be made to the detriment of the French.

French people suffer a confiscatory level of taxation with compulsory levies at about 48% of our GDP, or 10 points more than the average in OCDE countries. The majority bloc in the European Parliament i.e. the EPP group (of which the Republicans belong), the socialists and liberals (of which the Macronists belong) wish to develop a tax-based own resource for the European Union. This is clearly a European tax which far from being a substitute to national taxation will add to it. This drift is all the more unbearable since the French contribution to the European budget is increasing : about 21,5 billion euros have been budgeted for 2019. However, we will only recover but a part of it, primarily for agriculture. Thus in 2016, our participation to the budget of the European Union has cost us around € 9 billion euros. In 20 years France has multiplied by 12 its participation to the budget of the EU and has thus lost 100 billion euros! 

  • Lower taxes for the French people
  • Lower taxes on the very small enterprises and SMEs
  • Reducing the contribution of France to the budget of the EU

It is no longer bearable that European Commissioners decide France’s agricultural policy. By the quality and diversity of its productions, France holds a tremendous resource that is the result of a centuries-old know-how, transmission of traditions and sacrifice of our ancestors. We must protect and promote this exceptional richness by protecting polyculture, small and medium size farms and defining our own national objectives in order to ensure our own food self-sufficiency. This requires a major French agricultural policy as a substitute to the current EU common agricultural policy.

  • Protecting French agriculture in the face of unfair competition
  • Enhancing and promoting abroad the richness of our terroir.

Of course, the Euro as it works today serves the interests of Germany and former countries of the Mark Zone, to the detriment of most of the 19 countries of the Euro zone. France with a negative trade balance of 60 billion euros obviously would need a weaker currency in order to boost its exports and breathe life into its economy. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the functioning of the Euro area in order to align monetary creation on the needs of the real economy, for example by increasing the proportion of national debt that central national banks may hold. The Central European Bank may also be given an explicit mandate to fight unemployment as is the case of the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.

  • Aligning monetary creation on the real economy rather than on finance.
  • Integrating the fight against unemployment in the mandate of the European Central Bank.

If the European Union is to this point non-transparent, authoritarian and disconnected of realities and people’s aspirations, it is primarily because of its institutional organization that excludes the peoples in the decision-making process and more broadly the governments of member states that result from the will of the people. The European Commission holds an immense power to the detriment of other institutions that have more democratic legitimacy. Indeed, the Commission holds prerogatives that far exceed those of a government : The Commission has the right of legislative initiative, regulation, control of the application and establish itself as the ‘guardian of the treaties’.

  • Revising European treaties to rebalance the institutions

Composed of 28 Commissioners that have not been chosen democratically, of a President drunk on power and 34 000 civil servants, the European Commission symbolizes in itself,  the mistakes and unacceptable drifting of the European institutions. It must be done away with pure and simple to the profit of the Council and the Parliament whose functions would be redefined.

  • Doing away with the European Commission
  • Establishing the Popular Initiative Referendum at national level for guiding decisions.

Composed of representatives de each national government (Ministers and Prime Ministers) the Council is the institution that must hold the exclusivity of the right of legislative initiative to implement cooperation. And each Member State must be able to decide if it gets involved or not in a cooperation policy.

  • Transfering the legislative initiative to the European Council (governments of the Member States)

European judiciary institutions (Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights) participate too often in the amplification of the drifts of European institutions. Indeed their jurisprudence goes almost systematically in the direction of the restriction of national sovereignties. If the French jurisdictions are already largely contested, those of the European Union or depending of the Council of Europe are even more contested, especially when they validate the application of the sharia in Greece in the name of a pretended local tradition or keeping France from expulsing islamist terrorists on its soil under the pretext that they may be subject to bad treatment in their country of origin.! It is urgent to restore the primacy of national law over that of supranational instances.

Cooperation to do away with federalism. Thus, each country may appreciate based on its own interests and specificities, if it is desirable or not to participate in a given European cooperation area. This flexible system has already been tested successfully : Arianspace and Airbus owe nothing to the European Commission. These are cooperation freely consented on the initiative of certain countries (without imposing anything on others) that have permitted Europe to exist as an industrial power pole in concerned sectors.

  • Allowing nations to freely chose cooperation projects in which they participate.

The European Parliament must implement the cooperation. Parliament could then elaborate the texts and charge an administrative secretariat for concrete application provisions. Members of the European Parliament should be national parliamentarians delegated by the Member States.

  • Redefining the role and the functioning of the European Parliament soi t is at the service of nations and not the recording chamber of the Commission.

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