This year's the EC Work Programme will deliver 23 key initiatives across 10 political priorities, 20 intended withdrawals or modifications of pending proposals and 40 REFIT actions to review the quality of existing EU legislation.

The Work Programme will deliver substantive legislative proposals to follow up on the strategic programmes adopted in 2015.

The Commission's commitment to better regulation is about looking at the evidence and making sure that when the EU intervenes it does so in a way that actually will make a positive difference on the ground. So attention will be given to make sure legislation and spending programmes perform effectively. Existing rules which are outdated or are too heavy or too complex to be applied in practice will not achieve their objectives.

REFIT is the Commission programme for ensuring that EU legislation remains fit for purpose and delivers the results intended. It aims to keep the body of EU law lean and healthy, remove unnecessary burdens and adapt existing legislation without compromising on ambitious policy objectives.

This year 13 REFIT actions will contribute to key initiatives, such as simplifying the rules for EU funding or reviewing legislation on taxation and on energy. In addition, 27 new REFIT actions will be launched for example to evaluate maritime legislation, reduce the burdens of public procurement for SMEs, facilitate compliance with the REACH framework and make sure health and safety legislation is workable and will be enforced.

The Commission is also announcing the withdrawal or modification of 20 pending legislative proposals which are not in line with political priorities, have no prospect of adoption, or have been denatured through the legislative process and no longer fulfill their original policy objectives. These proposals will be withdrawn in 6 months, by April 2016.

A New Boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment

  1. New Skills Agenda for Europe
  2. New Start for Working Parents
  3. Circular Economy Package
  4. Review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020
  5. Next steps for a Sustainable European Future

A Connected Digital Single Market

  1. Implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy

A Resilient Energy Union with a Forward Looking Climate Change Policy

  1. Energy Union Package

A Deeper and Fairer Internal Market with a Strengthened Industrial Base

  1. Labour Mobility Package
  2. Follow up to Single Market Strategy
  3. European Defence Action Plan
  4. Action Plan on VAT
  5. Corporate Tax Package
  6. A Space Strategy for Europe

A Deeper and Fairer Economic and Monetary Union

  1. Pillar of Social Rights
  2. European Bank Deposit Insurance Scheme/Completion of the Banking Union

A Reasonable and Balanced Free Trade Agreement with the USA

  1. Follow up on the Trade and Investment Strategy

An Area of Justice and Fundamental Rights Based on Mutual Trust

  1. Implementation of the European Agenda on Security

Towards a New Policy on Migration

  1. Better Migration Management
  2. Border Management Package

Stronger Global Actor

  1. Post-Cotonou Framework
  2. Capacity Building in the Security SEctor
  3. Commission Contribution to the Global Strategy

A Union of Democratic Change

  1. Proposal for an Inter-Institutional Agreement on a Mandatory Transparency Register

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