The United Nations General Assembly on 2 March approved a nonbinding resolution condemning Russia for invading Ukraine and demanding that it withdraw its military forces.The resolution passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 141.


  1. Russia
  2. Belarus
  3. Syria
  4. North Korea
  5. Eritrea


  1. Algeria
  2. Angola
  3. Armenia
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Bolivia
  6. Burundi
  7. Central African Republic
  8. China
  9. Congo
  10. Cuba
  11. El Salvador
  12. Equatorial Guinea
  13. India
  14. Iran
  15. Iraq
  16. Kazakhstan
  17. Kyrgyzstan
  18. Lao PDR
  19. Madagascar
  20. Mali
  21. Mongolia
  22. Mozambique
  23. Namibia
  24. Nicaragua
  25. Pakistan
  26. Senegal
  27. South Africa
  28. South Sudan
  29. Sri Lanka
  30. Sudan
  31. Tajikistan
  32. Uganda
  33. United Rep Tanzania
  34. Vietnam
  35. Zimbabwe

There is a global diplomatic effort to isolate Russia

  • Pressure on Middle East partners to keep Russia at arm's length (Curtail engagement with Russia of Israel, Egypt, States in the Persian gulf, especially in arms sales or business dealings)
  • Pivot long standing Russian partners in the Indo-Pacific region towards the West. India and Vietnam have long standing defense relationships with Russia. Move those countries away from arm agreement with Russia.
  • Develop a roadmap to integrate the Balkans into NATO and the EU. Reengage Serbia and Kosovo at the highest level to finalize a peace agreement. EU should develop a comprehensive strategy towards the Balkans that creates a feasible path towards membership. This should involve significant infrastructure funding and political engagement from American and European leaders.
  • Ramp up pressure on the Russia-friendly regimes of Venezuela, Central African Republic and Mali through sanctions especially targeting kleptocratic wealth.



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