Messages of Former President Nicolas Sarkozy (Visit to Moscow October 2015) 

  1. The world needs Russia – Russia and Europe are bound to work together.
  2. Despite the fact that sometimes there were differences between us, between our countries but when we spoke with you (Vladimir Putin), we were always able to make the right compromise. And I do not understand how you can make a compromise if you do not discuss the problem and do not talk to your opponent. We need to talk to each other, listen to each other and what’s most important – we need to respect each other. I believe that these are the main development patterns for Russia and France: there is a need for mutual respect.
  3. For the European Union, it is necessary to establish a frank, honest and strategic dialogue with Russia.
  4. Russia is indispensable to resolve the big crisis to which we are confronted today.
  5. Russia is a world power not a regional power.
  6. There is a need to create the conditions for a renewed political and economic partnership between Europe and Russia. Nothing could be more dangerous for Europe and for the world than a divorce between us. We have to think in terms of continental Europe.

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