Source : LobbyFacts

Based on presence of a Brussels Office and EP Passes

Number of Companies

  1. Germany: 57
  2. United States of America: 50
  3. France: 33
  4. United Kingdom: 26
  5. Italy: 18
  6. Switzerland: 18
  7. Netherlands: 17
  8. Spain: 9
  9. Austria: 8
  10. Sweden: 7
  11. Poland: 6
  12. Denmark: 5
  13. Luxembourg: 5
  14. Ireland: 4
  15. Finland: 3
  16. Belgium: 3
  17. Russia: 2
  18. Czech Republic: 1
  19. Hungary: 1
  20. Bulgaria: None
  21. Croatia: None
  22. Cyprus: None
  23. Estonia: None
  24. Greece: None
  25. Latvia: None
  26. Lithuania: None
  27. Malta: None
  28. Portugal: None
  29. Romania: None
  30. Slovakia: None
  31. Slovenia: None

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