The EU needs an Act declaring a policy for tourism as an engine of investment, employment, growth and Member States' Development.

Declaration of Policy: The EU would declare tourism as an indispensable element of the European economy and an industry of interest and importance, which must be harnessed as an engine of socio-economic growth and cultural affirmation to generate investment, revenues and employment, and to continue to mold an enhanced sense of national pride for all EU citizens.

 Towards this end, the EU would seek to:

(a) Ensure the development of European tourism is for the EU citizens to conserve and promote their heritage, national identity and sense of unity;

(b) Recognize sustainable tourism development as integral to the EU socio- economic development efforts to improve the quality of life of the EU citizens providing the appropriate attention and support for the growth of this industry;

(c) Promote a tourism industry that is ecologically sustainable, responsible, participative, culturally sensitive, economically viable, and ethically and socially equitable in Member States;

(d) Create a favourable image of Europe within the international community, thereby strengthening Europe’s attraction as a tourism destination and eventually paving the way for other benefits that may result from a positive global view of Europe;

(e) Further develop Europe as a prime tourist hub as well as a centre of world congresses and conventions, by promoting sustainable tourism anchored principally on Europe’s history, culture and natural endowments, and ensuring the protection, preservation and promotion of these resources; and

(f ) Encourage private sector participation and agri-tourism for countryside development and preservation of rural life.

Objectives: Pursuant to the above declaration, the EU would adopt the following objectives:

(a) Develop a tourism action plan and work for its adoption and implementation by Member States;

(b) Encourage activities and programmes which promote tourism awareness, preserve Europe’s diverse cultures and heritage, and instill a sense of history and a culture of tourism among the youth and the citizens;

(d) Provide EU assistance by way of competitive investment incentives, long-term development fund and other financing schemes extended to tourism related investments;

(e) Ensure that tourism development protects and promotes the general well- being of the EU citizens particularly in the area of investment, to include the monitoring and prevention of any act of profiteering or speculation to the detriment of local residents, as well as the exploitation of women and children in tourism;

(f ) Encourage competition in the tourism industry and maximise consumer choice by enhancing the continued viability of the retail travel industry and independent tour operation industry;

(g) Enhance the collection, analysis and dissemination of data which accurately measure the economic and social impact of tourism in Europe to facilitate planning in the public and private sectors;

(h) Ensure the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology through the promotion of activities geared towards environmental protection, conservation and restoration;

(i) Develop responsible tourism as a strategy for environmentally sound and community participatory tourism programmes, enlisting the participation of Member States in conserving bio-physical and cultural diversity, promoting environmental understanding and education, providing assistance in the determination of ecotourism sites and ensuring full enjoyment of the benefits of tourism by the concerned communities;

(j) Encourage the participation of non-government organizations (NGOs), and the private sector in initiating programmes for tourism development and environmental protection;

(k) Promote the further development of existing civil aviation, land and sea transportation policies as they relate to tourism;

(l) Promote and ensure the convention-handling capability of Europe as a World-class convention centre;

(m) Achieve a balance in tourism development between urban and rural areas in order to spread the benefits of tourism and contribute to poverty alleviation, better access to infrastructure and to a reduction in regional imbalances;

(n) Enhance capability-building of Member States in partnership with the private sector, in the management of local tourism projects and initiatives, thereby ensuring accessible and affordable destinations throughout Europe especially in areas which have shown strong comparative advantage;

(o) Maintain international standards of excellence in all tourism facilities and services, and promote Europe as a safe and wholesome tourist destination;

(p) Enhance international business relations for the support of tourism projects of the private sector, through partnerships, joint ventures and other cooperative undertakings involving local and foreign investors;

(q) Support the establishment of tourism enterprise zones (TEZs), which will provide the necessary vehicle to coordinate actions of the public and private sectors to address development barriers, attract and focus investment on specific geographic areas and upgrade product and service quality; and

r) Ensure a sustainable funding mechanism for the implementation of tourism Policies, plans, programs, projects and activities.

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