The 58 countries here below that abstained on Russia's suspension of UNCHR are considered by Russia as an 'unfriendly gesture' with consequences both in the development of bilateral relations and in the work on the issues important for them within the framework of the U.N.

  1. Angola
  2. Bahrain
  3. Bangladeesh
  4. Barbados
  5. Belize
  6. Bhutan
  7. Botswana
  8. Brazil
  9. Brunei Darussalam
  10. Cabo Verde
  11. Cambodia
  12. Cameroon
  13. Egypt
  14. El Salvador
  15. Eswatini
  16. Gambia
  17. Ghana
  18. Guinea Bissau
  19. Guyana
  20. India
  21. Indonesia
  22. Iraq
  23. Jordan
  24. Kenya
  25. Kuweit
  26. Lesotho
  27. Madagascar
  28. Malaysia
  29. Maldives
  30. Mexico
  31. Mongolia
  32. Mozambique
  33. Namibia
  34. Nepal
  35. Niger
  36. Nigeria
  37. Oman
  38. Pakistan
  39. Qatar
  40. St Kitts and Nevis
  41. St Vincent-Grenadines
  42. Saudi Arabia
  43. Senegal
  44. Singapore
  45. South Africa
  46. South Sudan
  47. Sri Lanka
  48. Sudan
  49. Suriname
  50. Thailand
  51. Togo
  52. Trinidad & Tobago
  53. Tunisia
  54. Uganda
  55. United Arab Emirates
  56. United Rep of Tanzania
  57. Vanuatu
  58. Yemen

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